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The Rise of Anna: The Goddess

My New Plan

My final plan on how to expose myself to the world as Christ can only be formed and agreed on the day that the people who are in the film, media and music industries (and who know about all the things that I have inspired) start talking to me... If on that day I choose to wait another 6 months before going public about my belief, then that is what I will do... I don't know why people who know about me have not gone public already but if there headlines are about me, but if they have made a secret agreement to not talk or even approach me for 11 years, I guess they can't write an article's about me without telling me first, and that can not happen until they start to talk to me... Clearly the media and people who know about me are very happy to ignore me, so if I choose to ignore you in this same way for the same length of time that you ignored me for, (which is now 11 years) then don't be surprised if I choose to do this as nothing you have done has helped me! I am Christ but I owe you nothing, you did NOTHING for me, so I will have no reason to want to do anything for you after this! All I wanted was a nice house and life, but I did not get this... All you have done is ignore me and refuse to tell me when you are going to stop ignoring me! So what if the pig people on Earth are destroying Earth... It's your planet they are destroying not mine! After how you have fucked my life up, I feel no reason to help your planet for you have made it clear that you did not care if my life was shit!! After I die, I'm I just will act as narcissist towards you as were were to me!... I hope that the people of the future generations look back on these years and will now know why God will hate all humans for as long as they live for! I will never forgive you for ignoring me for this long whist not helping me in any way!

Stage 1 - Wait until the people who know that I'm God approach me and start talking to me.
Stage 2 - Find out why so many people have ignored me for such a long time. Find out who knows about me, when they found out about me and try to work out who I think is actually wanting to help expose me as Christ and help me reduce the population to less than 2 Billion.

I am very angry at them for ignoring me for 11 years this has made me want to kill a huge number of people for I cannot help this world if the world is this ignorant towards the real Christ, and If there are too many people here in general for the Matrix cannot juggle or properly judge this many people. God's only goal is to make Gods but she can't do that with this many people on Earth, as the rate that they are killing the planet is too fast!. God can only make God's if she has a long lasting Planet to work on... What people have done to me has turned me into a narcissist and a psychopath who wants payback, but maybe that is what I need to be to reduce the numbers to a healthy level.

Stage 3 - Everyone who has been doing things about me behind my back should give me a lot of money as a 1st step attempt to compensate me for what you have done from my suffering (or I will sue your ass or I will curse you and your whole family!) You cannot make it up to me for I will still want to die every day for the rest of my life because of this, but you owe me much!

Stage 4 - Choose a small group of film makers and a selection of people high-up (and perhaps a few Famous people) who will go public about the news that Christ is here, but only make the news a page or two in all the news papers, I will not expose my face but I will declare a date of when I will go public with my face. Then let this news sink in with the public as I go on a long nice 3 month Holiday! During this holiday I would like to stay in lovely hotels and do nice things, but I would like a group of people to set up meetings with many of the Christian youtubers that have been pissing me off online, people who claim to love and seek Christ yet deni and refuse to talk to me. I would like to ask why they would worship Christ, yet would not me worship me. I will want these interviews to shame them for claiming to love God when really they don't and never did. Here are the people I would like to meet:
Pery Stone
Jonathan Carr
Sid Roth
Troy Black
Paul Begly
AVS Youtuber
Anita Evangelist 
A call for an uprising
Marcus Rogers
Israeli News guy (But I don't think I should go to Israel)
I'm sure that there are many other Christian Youtubeers that might want an interview with me, I would like to have an interview with many of them to demonstrate how people who claim to know Christ actually know actually don't recognize me or know what I look like!... (If we can get them to want to come to my hotel interview room, that would be great, if they say no, I would offer them money but tell them they will only get the money if they stay in the room for a decent amount of time.) I would have originally said that I should go into a BB house and they should come to me, but because I don't trust BB now, I think I would much rather travel around the world to them and enjoy the perks of staying in nice hotels whilst not having too much fame at this point... At the being I want funding and money but not fame as I don't want to scare off the people that I hope to embarrass.
In this time there is one more thing I would like to do, which is to get a bunch of Physics in a house that is filmed, and see if they can feel or sense anything about be and see if they can detect that I might be the God of Earth.
I know that once my face is in the public eye in a big way, I will have to go into hiding for a very long time as people will want me dead, so it would be a good idea to try a recover by getting a good tastes of the world before I need to hide. I would like a welcome that a God should have gotten from day one (not the total mentally torment and trauma that I actually just got for 11 years)... In these three months, maybe I should also meet the people who know about me but for some known reason have chosen to ignore me (I could meet world leaders, if any world leader even know about me, but I feel if they are on the side of helping all humans, I dont think that we are on the same side. I have no clue who knows what but I feel that people who are not on my side are the people who would not believe that I am Christ, hence they wont think anything of the rumors about me!)
Stage 5 - After a three month tour where I meet Christian preachers I would want to go public with my face and show the world what I look like... I would have said to set up and roll out a realty show where people can get to see me in a social environment, but now that I see how much I truly hate this world and the people in it... I'm not sure if I even want the world to get to know me in any way... Muslims will want me dead when I tell them Modhamad was the angel of an inverted religion and Christians will want me dead when I tell the Jesus was the real Anti-christ for God the father is just a lie! What I do at this point will depend of how people react to me when I first go public. If people want to see me, then maybe I should do a realty show that is like what Paris Hilton did!

Stage 6 - I need to do more interviews, with religious people who don't believe me I'm Christ... I will need an Agent and a loyer to know how much money I will make from everything and what you intend to do with the footage's! This time things will be difent from before for I would have gotten more publicity by this stage!
Stage 7 - I need to test the world on what they believe in regards to whether or not they think I'm God!

Gods Test Questions!

I would love to ask Christians:


1. How could Jesus's beating death on a wooden cross help you in any way.

2. Why do you think that a God who sacrifices his only son is an example of his love.

3. If God only has one son, why would you consider yourself to be his child if he only has one child of if he made all humans, surly he would see all of you as his baby?

4. If a God would send his son to Earth to die, don't think think he would be capable of letting you die to? 

5. If Jesus is the son of God, why do many think that he is God too, surly you can't be the son of yourself!

6. If Jesus was soo important and wise, why did he not write the Bible himself

7. If Jesus disciples learnt everything from his teachings, why did they not writing his teachings down at the time they were being tort to them (easterlies Scriptures dates back to 300 BC)

8. If Jesus loves his people why has he not come back.

9. If Jesus knew the future why would he not leave real evidence of his existence behind such as a blood sample, birth certificate, crucifix cross with his name on it that dates back to his time! Or clothing with his hair on it... If there were lots of his cloths around and the hair matched, that would be real physical evidence that he's real!

10. If he was God or the son of God and if God can talk to his disciples about hidden truths, why does know one who or say his Birthday, sure name or Age at death. 

11. If the story of Jesus is true, why did he only come back to say hi for a short time to a small number of his closest people.

12. If his sacrifice changed everything why did nothing change in the world for the first 1,000 years after his sacrifice. 

13. Why do you think his death was any worst them millions of other people who die every day.

14. Why is faith without evidence a things that God wants you to have?

15. What acts did Jesus really do that proved he was a God person... If HITLER helped a blind person and discoursed one women from being stoned to death, would that make him a God person!

16. If Jesus was Christ why did he only have 12 disciples who all died horrible death even though it seemed like there only ever met Jesus a couple of times.

17. If the God of the Bible was real, why would there be talk of him coming back with only two witnesses? If you go to court to prove something you would need as many wittiness that you can get for if you only have two, people are less likely to believe! 

18. If Jesus knew the future, why did he not invent anything that we find useful today. Why did he not know about evolution, why did he not roll-out paracetamol or any good type of medical information... Why did he not event the light bulb, as I'm sure he and his world would have loved to have that!

20. Why did Jesus not promote equally between the sexes!


In my telling of Christianity, declaring your self to be Christian this is the same as declaring yourself to be a lair, a deceiver or an ignorant fool who has no interest in seeing the truth about God! People who claim to seek Christ but only seek Jesus clearly have no interest whatsoever in knowing the truth for if they did they would ask the very rashional intelligent questions above!


My Answers are:


1. My sacrifice has nothing to do with me being pinned to a cross for a few hours, but my life's pain and torment has been the inspiration of most films, books and songs and this has helped shape the world about given people jobs and entertainment but because people have just turned my pain into entertainment I will use my rage to get the population down to manageable numbers which would save Earth from being killed by humans!

2. Why do you think that a God who sacrifices his only son is an example of his love:The whole world is my only son right now and when I say love I meant anger, but I want 'my son' to kill themselves over this so I say 'love' so that on the day they see me and see the truth, they will be more inclined to kill themselves over this!

3. People are happy to believe that God only has one son and one mortal mother, because they see God as a fictional thing and some one with only one child clearly has no power or family support so smart leaders like that as they feel more in control of Earth and stupid people like this for they think this means that God is more likely to want them as a child, if he only has one child currently.

4. If a God would send his son to Earth to die, don't you think think he would be capable of letting you die to? That's the plan!

5. If Jesus is the son of God, why do many think that he is God too, surly you can't be the son of yourself! I inspired this charter with these flaw's in hopes that people would see them and not see him as God or the song of God!

6. If Jesus was soo important and wise, why did he not write the Bible himself: As Darla I had nothing to write on and langue would have just been about 200 world... Now that i'm here no one reads my Bible because they would not see it as being the truth.

7. I don't want to invent new medians now as I'm here mostly only to tell people the truth about who God is and what kind of world this is. But to fix the current state of the world, a mass suicide of those who have believed in lies is the only thing that can be done to fix Earth and help the smart ones who can see and understand how bad the shape of the world is!




Once I reveal my religion.... After the world starts to show an interest in me (or in how I might be the real Anti-Christ)... I would love everyone to be asked these type of questions below: There can be longer forms for people who want to spend more time explaining there views... but these are Questions that I would like to ask everyone around the world, after they have gotten to know me as a mortal human with a large amount of power! After a time I would like them to receive a copy of it to remind them of there answers so that they can reflect on what they wrote earlier. And you can give the same test over the weeks and see how many people are starting to believe in me!


1. Who do you think is Christ

a. Jesus

b. Anna

c. Other

d. None

In 50 words say why:

If you don't think Anna can be Christ say why here:


2. Do you think God should be called a:

a. He

b. She

c. Either

d. Niether

e. 'It' for God's just a feeling such as love

In 50 words say why

Anna thinks God should be called a she because she is a she and GOd at the same time, if you don't think Anna can be God say why here:

If God is Anna how do you think God would feel knowing that people can't believe that Christ (God in human form) could be a female?

3. Do you think Anna has inspired a huge number of songs, books and films yes /No

If no say in 50 words why.
Do you think celebrities have none about Anna for 10 years?


4. What female Bible characters do you think Anna is most like: Lilith, Eve, Babylon, Mary, Jesus, Jezable, all of them in different ways (you can add any that are not on the list here)

Which ones is she least like?

5. Tick the boxes below to think if she could be any of the below things

a. Goddess

b. The Devil

c. Babylon the Great (mother of sinners)

d. An alien

f. a witch

g. God the Mother of all people

H. All of the above

I. Mad

J. confused

Explain why!

6. Do you think the world would be benefit from knowing about a female God or about a female christ, what she is really like as a mortal if she is really a God in human form. yes / no

If no say why in 100 words.

Do you think females would be treated better if people believed that Christ is a female?

Do you think Christ can be soo powerful that females are largely only different from males because of there D&A and how it has a stronger connection to Christ then the Male genes. (It's that's and worldly stereotyping.)

7. Do you think Anna could help you in your personal life yes / no

Say how in 100 words.

Would Anna be a good or bad influence on the world?

8. Who do you think Anna's children or people are if she has them...

a. None

b. You

c. Everyone

d. Only the evil one's

e. Only the rich

f. Only people who can accept her.

Do you think she likes her people! (Drr no) If no, do you think she has a good reason to feel how she does or do you think she should be nicer of more forgiving?

9. Tick the things you think she helped or will help to form:

a. Wars

b. Love

c. confusion

d. wisdom

e. Kaos

d. A solution

Write here anything else in up to 50 words.

Do you think she could be Aaliyah... If not why!

Do you think she can time-travel... if not Why!

10. Do you think she can form (with your help) a better world? yes or no

Why in 100 words.

Do you think people should listen to here advise? Help her or work with her!

11. If she is not God, do you think she deserves to be punished by God for her sins yes / no

If yes what would you like to see happen to her. (in up to 100 words).

12. Is it right to say she has sins yes / no

If yes In 100 words what do you think her sins are ?

What is sin in your definition?

Would you obey Anna's will!

13. If it was your choice what would be a fitting punishment for her?

say in 100 words. 

If she's not God, what do you think God should do to her?

If the public wanted it, would you like Big Brother to do to her!


14. Do you think her pet (Rocket The hamster) should be sacrificed along with her (like they do in the old testament)? yes / no

If yes why?

15. In 100 worlds what do you think Anna is like a a person?

Do you think she nice kind or Good!

Do you think she would make a good Mother?

Would you want Anna to be your Mother! If not Why!!!

Do you think she can keep kids safe?... If not why?

16. Do you think she's had a good life.

In 100 words what do you think her life has been like?

Do you care about wanting to know about her life and past?

17. Would you rather believe in and follow after God the Father, God the Mother or nothing. Say why in 50 words.

Do you think the singers are actually Gods Angels.... If Not why!!!


18. On the scale of 1-10 how interested are you in finding out about her life past or up-bringing?

If Anna was God and Christ, on the scale of 1-10 how impressed are you over her? 


19. If you don't think God can be the one and only Goddess STATE WHY NOT!!!



Stage 8 - There might still need to be a fake sacrifice to test people to see how much people hate me but I an only do this if I work with the people who have ignored me for 11 years and I don't know if I can do that for I'm too hurt and angry at what they did to me which was to just ignore me and not help me in any way!
The Marriage of the Bride of Christ  is canceled - At this point I don't even feel that I will ever be helped to be exposed as Christ, so because of this rejection you have made me face, I will tell the world to go and kill themselves because I am  God and the real Bride, but I would rather die then marry anyone (Jez u's) on this Shitty planet... Its a world that never wanted anything to do with me or the truth that comes from me!! I'm not going to be acting like I like anyone... You have left me in the dark for too long... I owe you nothing! I now just want full termination of the human rats!
Stage 9 - Some how make the public think that the singers are my angels who have been singing about me.
Stage 10 - Set up a 7 year covenant, name the angels positive names and then Hide for 3.5 year.
Stage 11 - After 3.5 years, take back there positive names and give out there negative names then hide until I die!
I don't know how many people will die from this but I would say the population should not be more than 2 Billion. and many places need to be turned back into forests for animals not humans! I need to know who agrees with God vs who agrees with man... We are NOT on the same side! Nucleua weapons might be the best way to knockdown down the empty ugly towns after the fall and after all 'freebee's' to all the survivors are taken! The more that pass on the more freebies you can have! (...God's reward to you!)

The Rise on the Anti-Christ kingdom!



All The Fake Me's:


The Big Brother show is cancelled (and I'm not sure that I will do any show at this point) so after I've done interviews with lots of religious people, I will want to have interviews with the Singers... It would have been nice to have done a charade with them on Big Brother but since I hate the world as much as I do for ignoring me for this length of time, I think I will save anything fun like this for my next time-line. On Earth I think I just want to have two interviews with all these singers, one where I find out who knows about me and find out why they did the songs that they did, and a 2nd one that might go public where I look like I like they are my Angels... There are many people on this list that I may never meet, that's fine by me as none of these people are friend's or anything! All they are, are famous people who I feel have been supernaturally or knowingly bulling me whilst not helping me in anyway! There fame will mean nothing too me after I too gain the fame that I need to go public about being Christ!



Beyonce - The Mother of God - I Am the Mother of Gods because I am a God who has made many God's on past time-lines.

Mariah Carey - God in paradise - This is where I was originally from! When I could time-travel and do whatever I wanted to do!

Adele - God in the other Realm - This is what I call my home outside Earths timeline!

Madonna - God’s Main Representative - What my higher self is most like! (Out of the selection on Singers on this list)

Alice DeeJay - Another Representation of God - I am a God who people have not known much about.

Taylor Swift - The Newer Version of God - I am different now to how I was before. This is my new start or re-birth!

Katie Perry - God’s Intelligent side - I am intelligent!

Gaga - God’s Sexier Side - I have a sexy side... when I'm drunk!

Gwen Stefani - God's Funner side! - I have a fun side.

Kyle Minogue - God's Spirit of Love and inspiration- I have love for some people

Niki Manage - God of the Sinners - Sinners are people who have rejected me I am the God of people who have rejected me!

Pink - God’s Tuff side - I have a Tuff side to me!

Geri Halliwell - The Word of God - I am the word of God because I am God and my words are therefore Gods words!


Christ's Representations - I am Christ too:


Anna Bee - The Angel of GOd - I am the Angel of God because I am my higher-self's guide!

Britney Spears - The mad BITCH who hates everyone! I am NOT mad like she is on her on her Instagram page! but after what ............................... the world has put me through, I'm mad and angry! This girl has done nothing but annoy me because she ............................... looks most like me but she is not me! She has confused me the most as I could never understand how ............................... someone so nice could turn into such a massive Bitch who does not seem to appreciate anything that was ............................... given to her! but I understand now! I just dought she was put through anything as bad as what I was put ............................... through! Britney is just a spoilt brat with no brains, I am a real trauma victim because of humans!


Hillary Duff - Christ's Closest Representation - I was like her the most in her music videos.

Rihanna - Christ's Preferred Representation - With the world being like it is, I would rather be like her.

Aaliyah Hughson - Christ when she was living a nice life! - I was her in my past life but I died for people's racism!

Christian Augulier - Darla’s Representative & Return  - I was once a cave women but I've returned and am more civilized now.



Religious Figures


Mary J Blidge - The Mother Mary's Representation…Marry was a fictional Charter in the Bible but I made her to be like me!

Selena Gomez - Mary's Representation: The Christian's view of Mary is that of 'A nice but normal girl!' but I am like that too! 

In This Moment - Babylon the Great! - Babylon the Great is a fictional Character inspired from my promiscuous ways!

Jacklyn Glenn - Angel of the Atheist - I was this for 26 years!
Mohammad - The first angel - I was the first human and now the first and only real Angel to God...
AJ miller - The Main guy who inspired the Jesus Character - I am the main person who inspired the Jesus Character!

Justin Bieber - Jesus’s Representative - He represents people not Angels!

Kanye West - Jesus with Physic ability - He represents people Not Angels!

Adam lambert - The new Adam - He represents People not angels!

Christian Augulier - The New Eve - I am the new Eve


Angels List - All Angels represent different sides of Christ.


Britney Spears - Angel of peoples wish - I have many wishes, I wanted my life like hers, but without the bad choices she ................................... made such as liking the wrong people and not putting more effort into being a becoming a better mother.

Jennifer Lopez - The Angel of Angels - I  am the Angel of Angels because I am (or could be) a guide for the Celebrities.

Shakira - Angel of the United World - I will be the guide to how the world will unite!

Nicole Scherzinger - Angel of Love.. - I  have bliss, emotion and obsession in me, that is the closest thing you can get to love. 

The Pussycat Dolls - Angel's of the Angel of Love - I can be a guide to people who want to learn how to love properly.

Paris Hilton - Angel of Perfection - I want to encourage people to aim for perfection as having higher goals can make ....................................... someone a better person!

Kelly Rowland - The Angel of Aaliyah! - Aaliyah could feel my spirit too, so even though she is me, she is also guided by me!

M.I.A. - The Angel of Gods Raw - I am angry and hurt... I have a lot of things to shout about!

Lily Allen - Angel of Contradictions - I often can say two contradictory staments and yet can agree with both of them!

Doja Cat - Angel of Sexual desire - If I liked people, or liked how they look, I could have sexual feeling towards them!

Dua Lipa - Angel of Seduction - I can be seductive

Ke$ha - Angel of Temptations - I am here to tempt people for right or right (opp's I meant wrong) as a test!

Megan Thee Stallion - Angel of Lust - I like orgasms and lust is the best way to make them better or more intense! It's NOT a ..................................... bad thing soo this should NOT be seen as a shameful thing the Bible only say's it's bad to reduce rapes!

Miley Cyrus - Angel of the Human race - I am the guide of the human race!

Arianna Grande - Angel of Beauty and Style - I care a lot about how I look... I love looking good and having nice cloths!

Madison Beer - Angel of Famine Mystery - I am very Famine and have a lot of Mystery to me!

Fergie - The Angel I most wanted to be - I am not like this angel... But I really wanted to be but I think the world is too sick!

Ava Max - Angel of Rebellion… - I can be very rebellious against the ways of humans!

Alicia Keys - The Angel of the people- I am the Angel of the people, but I don't think most people ever wanted me in the past!

Ellie Goulding - Angel of the Light - The light comes from the sun but is channeled through me and into you to help you ascend .................................. into a higher frequency and become a more intelligent life form!! I am a guide into how to access this light!

Billie Eilish - Angel of the Darkness - All souls have come from the dark matter to head into the light source, hence although I .................................. am from the light I am also a guide for the darkness too as light and darkness work together to form this .................................. Matrix that we live in! Like that I too inspire goodness and badness giving people the freemod of chioce!

Whitney House - The Angel within the Light!... Who wants people to join her there... I believe she will be Lillie's Mother.   

Bebe Rexha - The Angel of Fun - I know how to have fun, and would love to be a guide that shows people how to have fun!

Camila Cabello - Angel of Secret’s - I need to have some privacy for I can't give away all my secret's, but you are welcome to ................................... guess what they might be! (Sexual thoughts are some that will remain a secrect)

Demi Lovato - Angel of Confrontation - I hate confronting people but sometimes I need to even if the truth will only hurt them!

Ashlee & Jessica Simpson - Angels of the Sisterhood - I am a girls girl and so even though I don't have a sisterhood yet, this is .................................... the think I most want to achieve here!

Sophie Bextor - Angel of Wisdom - I have a lot of wisdom that I can offer people if only they chose to listen to me!

Pretty Reckless - Angel of Babylon - I am a guide for Babylon because most people believe that Babylon is a 'sinful' city and I .................................... want to be a guild for you... What you choose to say believe and do though, that's all up to you!

Lana De Ray - Angel of Sorrow…- I have had a shitty life so I will make people feel sorrowful when they bother to find out ..................................... more things about my real existence!

Avril Lavigne - The Angel Creator - I am the Angel creator! A person who creates guides for others!

Mable - Angel of the Music Industry - I am the guide for the music industry!

Rita's Ora - Angel of Choice - I am a person who always wants to give people choice, unless I or the world is being destroyed!

Charli XCX - The Angel of the New Age! - I am the guide for the new age!

Haile Steinfeld - Angel of Self-Esteem - I have no self-Esteem... I don't even know what that means still... I am not like her!

Emma Bunton - Angel of life - I am too!

Victoria Beckhem - The Angel with Man - I am an angel who is with Man kind right now! (but I was not really with them before)

Mel B - The Angel of Furry - I am an Angel (guide) with Furry inside of me!

Mel C - Angel of Guidance - I am a guide who can guide people!

Carrie Underwood - Angel of Reflection - I reflect on everything I do and try to reflect also on what others do!

Amy Winehouse - Angel of Many Lies - I can lie if I feel I need to! Or if I'm embarrassed about the truth!

Evanesecnes - Angel of Deep Emotions - I have many deep Emotions that cause me grief and make me feel suisidle!

September - Angel of Christ's Vision - I have many visions, but it's true that not all my visions actually manifest!

Mya - Angel of My Family! - I want to consider this world to be my new family but right now it's only a divide family but it is ...................................... only this because there are too many people here that are inverted or who have inverted views to my ...................................... own! If there are two hamsters in a cage but if both want to go in opposite directions when running on ...................................... the wheel, they will only end up fighting each other over it! I would love to be the guide that can show ...................................... people how to fix this problem!

Ciara - Angel of Power! - I am not the one who has the power but I can be a guide to those who have money, authority, fame ...................................... and respect of the people for they are the ones who really have the power not me!

Tate McRae - Angel of feelings - I am an angel with feelings not just a program or robot!

Kim Petras - Angel of Many Names - I have many angel names which I can both give out or become!

Poppy - Angel of the Illuminati - I am the guide to the hidden or secret covenant run by a hidden group of people.

Jessy J - Angel of True Strength - I have true strength in me hence can be a guide for others in regards to this!

Enola Dedard - Angel of Dance - I am a very good dancer (not the best though, I know that!)

Billie Piper - Angel of Addiction - I get addicted to things very easily! The internet, for me, is such an addiction!

Mandy Moore - Angel of Reality - I am an angel living in reality (or so people will think)... I am a guide for reality!

Cardi B - Angel of the fire - I have passion and am a guide for the line of fire!

Anastasia - Angel of truth - I am the truth

Mia Rodriguez - Angel of Hidden Treasure - I am the hidden treasure and the one who hides the treasures..
Reye - Angel of Connection!- I am one who can connect with all people and who can connect people with the truth about God
Zara Larsson - Angel of Romance. - I hate romance! but I'm more romantic then some people here!
Iggy Azalea - Angel of Independence - I am independent when it comes to my personal life, but my life is shit... I need help .................................. fixing it! I need more then just myself and massage clients, that life is just a nightmare!
Meghan Trainor - Angel of Womenhood! - I am a women and an Angel at the same time..
Lorde - Angel of false Gods - I have guided people to form a fake version on me yes! And am happy for people to love 'God the ................................ Father', 'Jesus the human God', Aallah! or Tini I would not want you to fall away from them if you prefer them!
Halsey - Angel of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - I am like Buffy the slayer!
Kelly Clarkson - Angel of Karma - I'm a guide for Kalma that works withing the Matrix.
Christian Milian - Angel of bliss - I feel bliss a lot... When I'm in that mood
Cher - Angel of Reincarnation - I am a guide for this Matrix function.
Shania Twain - Angel of Tolerance and Intolerance - I am a guide to my higher self who decided this!
Brandy - Angel of the Son of God - I had a son who is now counted as all people (but I don't want this many's kids)
Toni Braxton - Angel of comebacks  - I am back on Earth
Samantha Mumba - Angel of the Messenger - I am a Messenger for my higher-self
Janet Jackson - Angel of the Prison - I am
Jess Glynne - The Angel of the Modern People....- I am
Pixie Lott - Angel of Lot and child of Jerusalem - I am... but also the mother of the people of Jerusalem 
Nelly Furtado - Angel of the free Spirit - I am that child of a 'freed spirit' but also my soul will one day be free from this .................................. timeline 
Ashanti - Angel of Payback - I want to be a guide to others so I can get this.
Taela - Angel of God's Hype ....- I am hyped up sometimes??? or high... I'm high sometimes... but I don't do drugs
Nessa Barrett - Angel of Necessary or Unnecessary Action..- I need to do this sometimes!
Cassie - Angel of My Tease - I am a tease sometimes!
Meg Myers - Angel of Desire - I have this sometimes but sometimes not.
Steps - Angels with a lot of Energy - I am this defiantly!
Tanishe - Angel of Humanly needs - I HATE this... !!! Unless you are going to give this to me... In which case I will love it!
Keyla La Grange - Angel of the knife - I hope to be this!
Laura Marano - Angel of Balance - I hope to have this or from this in the world...
Bella Poarch - Angel of Beauty and the Beast! - I am a guide to both
Sai - Angel of the Hidden Face  - I am still this if this is all you know about me!
Naika - Angel of the daughter of God - I was once this but I grow up and my maker died!!
Die Anitwood - Angel of the phoenix - I am a Christ that lived died and then rose again like a Phoenix!
Jazmin Bean - Angel of the Sacrifice - A Sacrifice that people would have want to me to suffer from for there benefit!
Sabrina Carpenter - Angel of Sabrina the teenage Witch - Sabrina the teenage witch is me in the other relm!
Maisie Peters - Angel of the Cancelled Big Brother show! - A show that never wanted to help me!
Baby Queen - Angel of imagination - She seems similar to me I feel, I have lots of imagination but I feel so trapped and confined that I don't want to show my creativity to people who just hate and reject me so right now I feel like all I want to do is show how sick this world is in a very creative and imaginative (but sick) way! I don't want to give sick people nice things I want to give sick people sick things and that's just how I feel right now becuase there are too many sick people in this world!
Leona Lewis - Angel of Freedom - I long for freemod and can lead people to where they can get this!

Miranda Hart - Angel of the Heart - Some say I am the heart of the world, if I'm that I just think I'm broken!

Queen Latifah - Angel of the Queens Direction - If I am, I have no idea which direction I'm going in!

Nicole Kidmen - Angel of Incite - I have incite... I think??

DeathbyRomy - Angel of the Psychopaths - After being ignored for 11 years I am definitely a Psychopath now. I am Soooo ............................................................... angry that I just want other people to go through the suffering that I have gone through!

Pvris - Victim turned monster with songs off recovery or no recovery (but I'm not sure if I should call her an ANGEL)

Dylan - Angel of controlled Anger - I have a lot of anger and have tried to control it.

Mothica - Angel of the Suppressed emotions - I've been suppressing my emotions for a long time...



Bands I like: 

Black Pink - Angels of Pink! - I Love pink!

SugerBabes - Angels of 'The Suger Mumy and Daddy'.- Woo them (whoever they are??)

Atomic kitten - Angels of the pussy! - F*** that shit!

Little mix - A mixture of Angels - I am only me but I guess I have multiple sides of me!

All saints - Angels for the Saints! - I don't like Saints - I guess I am or was a guide (or Angel) to the saints, but they all got me ..................... wrong for they did not know me and only confused me with being Jesus!

Abba - Angel's Of 'Abba' - I am a guide to myself

Vengaboys - Angels of the final Message - I'm not dead yet... Hence these are NOT my final words!

Bananarama - I think they were the first girl band that had strong links to me.

Aqua - Angel's of the flood - I like water and swimming... 

Steps - Angels with a lot of Energy -I have lots of energy!

S club 7 - Angels of the shine (Christ's shine) - I'm the one who the shine first comes from! The human with the biggest shine!

Girls Aloud - Angels of A mans dream Girl - I might need to go underground to do a show for the sick

Ceraly Cole - Angel of the Wakening - I'm now awake






This Rise of 'His' Angels


Justin Bieber - Jesus’s Representative....... Your guide to truth and to heaven!

Kanye West - Jesus with Physic ability....... Your guide to truth and to Knowledge and future predictions???

​ - Angel of the Matrix - God the father run's the Matrix
Tiny Temper - Angel of the one world Leader - God the father is the real 'one world leader'
Christ Brown - God The Father - God the father loves you like Chris does! (...and he hits his girlfriend!)
Michael Jackson - Angel of Change - God the father provides the change that people seek! for he is 'The Invisible Man in the sky'
Justin Timberlake - Angel of The real Father - Justin will guide you to God the father
Maroline Manson - Angel of Satan - Lets all boo this angel, people want God the father not the father of lies (definitely not the same thing)
Robbie Williams - Angel of Hope - God the father gives lots of this!
Maroon 5 - Angel of my Lovers  - God the father love's his daughter (sacrifice) so much that he sent his angel's to make love (war) with ............................................................... her!
Ed Sheeran - Angel of Thoughts - God the father has the power to put all thought's inside his peoples head for all thoughts are from him!
David Guetta - Angel of Music Production - God the father is the creator of all creations... Including all songs and productions!!
Future - Angel of the Future - God the father knows the future! Anna has no clue so she can't be God!
Weekend - Angel of Strength & weakness - God the father will make you become strong and he will look after you when you are week!
Eminem  - Angel of Marshal law! - God the father is firm and in control of everything. All his punishment's are fair just and wise!
Imagine Dragons - Angel of the Dragon - God the father made the dragon but only to harm the wicked and the un godly!
Blake Sheldon - Angel of the Sea - God the father controls all things including the sea and the waves! 
Diddy - Angel of God the Farther Get closer to God the father by following by Diddy Guidance on how to love!
User - Angel of Action - Action starts when you see the power of God the Father
Jason Derulo - Angel of Masculinity - God the father's guide into how to be a Good Father, put your child first (and don't stay loyal to the  .......................................... to the mother Earth!) Think about all the gifts that only God the father can offer you when your in heaven!
ColdPlay - Angel's of the Higher Power - God the father is the higher power!
One direction - The Angel of the Kings Direction - God the father's direction is the only direction!
Garry Barlow - Angel of the Stars - God the father wants you to follow after the stars... (Whatever that may mean)
Labrinth - Angel of the Night Christ is of the day not the night but God the father made both night and day for you to live and play in.
Pharrell Williams - Angel who just wants Happiness - God the father want's you to be happy but knows that you are struggling here!
Drake - Angel of the Bull - What bull! Anna????? - God the father can tame the beast (She say's: "no you can't" ...but what does she know!)
Little Wayan - Angel of Gaga - He say's he prefer's Nikki! To God the father!

Elton John - Angel of Rejection - He say's there's no such thing as a God!

Sam Smith - Angel of the gay community - He says anything could be the truth so he keeps open minded to any idea! (so long as it not ................................. the truth)

John Legend  - Angel of the Legends - He say's he want's to remain open minded to all things and all peoples beliefs!

Craig David - Angel of the Players - He just wants what he want's... And to be a good person! To not take life too seriously!

Troy Sivan - Angel of deceit - He can say whatever he wants... 

Bruno Mars - Angel of Honesty - Angel of Dishonesty... he say's what ever people think they want to hear!

Kirk Franklin - Angel of the Jesus - He say's what Christians want to hear!

Troy Songz - Angel of dominance - He say's whatever will give him the most amount of control or power!

Enrique iglesias - Angel of foreplay - He just wants to make women happy so will say what they want to get in bed with them!

Ne-yo - Angel of the population - He just stands with what the people want!

Tinchy Stryder - Angel for the Angels with no names - He follows advise given to him by his friends.

Adam Lamber - Angel of Adam - He listens to his managing agency!

Will Young - Angel of the End Game - He watches Big Brother listens to what he thinks they might want him to say! 

Harry Styles - Angel of companionship - He listens to his managing agency too!

George Michel - Angel of endings and new beginnings

Ricky Martin - Father of the Reincarnated Angel of New beginnings... - He listens to his intuition!

Todrick Hall - Angel of the Drag Queens or just Queens'- Angel of Entertainment.. - He listens to his production company!


Boybands - I'm not saying anything! - Say what you want

Blue - Angel's from heaven 
Backstreet Boy - Angel's of Earth
A1 - Angels for the winners 
O'Town - Angel within the town 
Westlife - Angels of 'the Best Life'.. 
Boyzone - Angel of Hope (Robbie) and the celebrities (the 'Boy Zone'.)..
The wanted - Angels of them who are wanted 

The Killers - Angels of Story Telling

One Republic - Angels of the Republic or Republicans 

Akon - Angel of the Rapture

Linkin Park - Angel of the unknown

Taio Cruz - Angel of the After Party 

Asap - Rihanna's Helper/Partner

J-Z - Beyonce's Helper/Partner

Pitball - Angel of intercourse 

Snoop Dog - 'Angel' of the Dogs 
Missy Elliott - Angel of the underground
Girls Aloud - represent Girls of the underground..
Lil Nas - Angel of Shockery 
G-Easy - Angel for the hard
Tiesto - Angel of the Tired world
5 seconds of Summer - Angel of the Traffic
Snow Wife - Angel of Pornography
Nelly - Angel of Big Brother
50 Cent - 'Angel' of Big Brother the 2nd Show 
JLS - Angels of Jesus' love
Ronan Keating - Angel Protector - This one might be on my side!... Not sure...
David Beckhem - Angel for the men - He's not religious, just does what he thinks is best for Men-kind


My favorite Presenters


Rylan - Angel of the Microphone (not sure why you were not on the list I'm sure I had once put you on it!) - Say the Producers on the BB show tell you to say

Same with whoever else presents things...


Holly willaby, Emma Willis, Devina, Ant & Dec, Chatty man... Demote, Will best... You decide...



Angel Actors: 

Tom Cruise - Angel of the Ship 
Will Smith - Angel of my Amy
The Rock - Angel of Heroism
Leonardo DiCaprio - Angel of the environment
Peter Griffin - Angel of the Fictional Characters.... The real men of the World!
Angel - Angel of my Dreams
Cole (From Charmed ) - Angel of all Evil things
Phebe (From Charmed ) - Angel of vision 
Reese weatherpersons - Angel of kindness! - She supports getting people to believe in the mother and Anna I think?
Niki - Grehem - Angel of the show!
Buffy the vampire Slayer - ???
Sabrina the teenage witch (old version) - ???




My chat about how Angry I am about UK BB putting that show on with out me!

I am now going to forget the UK Big Brother show altogether now!  I thought the sign that my suffering was going to end was when that uk Show next came on, but clearly that was a lie for they only wanted to hurt me even more. They had 11 years to put me on that show whistle knowing that God wanted to work with them and be on that show, but they did not want to help Christ for a reason that I can't figure out! I feel like they put Nokey (the Miss England Universe) on that show this year to show how they rather help her and a bunch of people that I don't like over me... In this industry you help people and the people who you help later help you, since they have not helped me, and not confirm anything with me about ever wanting to help me, I don't want to help or work with them any longer (I don't trust them one bit and there choice of housemates was very bad this years.) They made there choice now I will make mine by stating that I want nothing to do with this show or the people who run it... I don't think they know how angry I am for being severally bullied for 11 years by people who have: amazing work opportunity's, nice houses and millions of pounds because of me, whilst I have nothing, not even confirmation from them that they know about me! This has left me feeling like I'm insane every day as I question my own self worth whilst knowing that people have just been watching my destruction as a form of entertainment!! Then to have UK BB tease me with this show for another year, only for them to not put me on the Show that I've been waiting 14 years to get on... I am furious! I don't think the Gaza/Israel attack on the day I knew for certain that I was not going to be on, I don't think that was a coincidence for I could felt the anger run through me that day!!

I am Pissed off!... I know longer want to work with these people or this brand name! If people see me as nothing but the daughter of God that would make 'Big Brother' just like Jesus the false Christ, why should I work with that which is against me! 


Songs I click on, sing what I feel that day when I watch them... If I have such a massive power why the hell would I need work with a TV show that has no respect for me! All I need to do is click on songs and they back up my feelings... Big Brother, I'm over other you!


















I can't form a plan if no one will do nothing to help me and if you also refuse to talk to me. My life is not a game, my suffering is not something that I want to turn into a game show. If you wanted to do that you had your chance but you turned it down by not following my old plan which was to put me on the first time you next air that show... God cursed all of Man kind when Adam and eve disobeyed God for eating a apple... I was like WTF! But you putting this show on without me showed your complete disloyalty to God who is ME... This is a GOOD reason to send all humans in to hell for the rest of your timeline-line! BB... GO FUCK YOURSELVES!


If you don't want to help me.... I, as God will: Create war, disease, AI control, weather storms, Floods droughts, possessed people driven mad ... I will hope my higher self does whatever she can to out smart the humans who are trying to stop Gods War from happening! I as Christ (the human A in D&A) I will Make people angry and hate each other! Because of the rejecting that you choose to place on me everyday that you continue to ignore me! 


This song below is for Big Brother who thought it was fine to choose Noky other me and for anyone who thought they were communicating with me when they never were they were only pretending to be working with me! My plans have changed now, because you were never working with me I want nothing to do with you!



























I gave up on Big Brother last month (October 7th) exactly one moth ago!.... It's your lost not mine!

































If you think what is happening to me is funny.... Here's something else you can laugh at!

If there's no fake sacrifice and I just say that the sacrifice was people writing sic songs about wanting me to fuck everyone, why should this change anything! I'm not going to go through a fake sacrifice I just want to go straight to the real one of people who have sacrificed me!!















That song is also about No-key....:




It's the history of Man to reject God and choose to not help her, that's why you are all sinners!! I hope you all die soon!




















Step one - Now or as soon as possible - You fucking talk to me and explain to me

1: Why you have chosen to ignore me for 10 years

2: why do you think I should show you support in anyway after you have just fucked with my mind and mental health everyday for the last 10 years whilst not giving me one penny!


My thoughts on Big Brother now... Ignore the last part... If I do a show I want my own show not run or controlled by anyone else but 100% mine (I can pay staff with any investment money)... I want to watch everything that is aired and I will be the only housemate, I will own full copy right of any interview. So my show will NOT be anything like Big Brother in anyway... I'm sick of being kept in the dark... I will not go public about anything until a plan has been formed with loyerls who work for my best interest! If you want to do anything regarding me, you must tell me and we can scrap the fake sacrifice I already know people don't give a shit about me, why do I need to set something up just to prove it, by ignoring me for 10 & 3/4 years you have already proved it!... 50 cent there for should be re-named Angel of the Show that no one helped manifest! My war will manifest either way though!


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