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I need to get on to the Big Brother Show and tell the world that believe I'm Christ (God in human form) and then talk about the evidence that I have to allow people to agree or not agree. My higher-self lives outside time and so can time travel and will see there reactions to me and she will know how they respond and at what stage they start to believe in me. She needs to know this as it will help her to know who is on her side or who can tell the difference between truth and lies!


It can be announced to the world in many different ways and it will be the producers of the show who will make the final plan happen, but here are some suggestions on what my plan would be.





Stage 1Then I will get invited in to a global Big Brother show as a normal person. Perhaps on Netflix as a normal person, this show will link to channels all around the world so it will have a world wide audience...


I am not sure how long this 'normal girl' stage should last for but it could just be for a 12 days or 2-6 weeks. I wanted the world to have a few weeks to get to know me but clearly ITV did not want to help me as they rather help the fake Miss England Universe girl instead... Fine... That was your choice but your show and housemate section was soo shit that I don't want to go into your house!! Here's why I should skip the UK BB show and just go into a global show for a few weeks. Im not sure how long this stage should last but maybe it should just be for a very short time so:

1. People can't form an opinion of me and get to know me as a normal person.

2. people won't be scared of me in anyway

3. If people don't know me they will more likely reject me when I call myself Christ and more will die as a result ...that's a good thing if that's what you want!!

4. If this show is set up and run by a hidden eleet group, more people will think it's all fake and so will reject me and so more will die! (Yay!). 

5. If I say that they've known about me for 10 years, they will be more temped to think the whole thing is man made hence won't see the Angels as angels. 

7. People might fear me if I show my power to inspire too quickly, so maybe it's best to not put me on the show for a decent amount of time, I'm not here to help any one get to know Christ, you have all made it very clear that you have no interest in doing this by ignoring me for over ten years!

8. I want to see advertising for a global Big Brother Show so I know how when this show is about to start...


My higher self wants to know who is most connected to me. The people who see me on TV and who are drawn to me the most, are them who want to find out more about me, even without me talking about how I think I'm GOd. They are the ones who are most spiritually awake but even they might turn on me when they hear my claims. They who hear my claim and think I could be right, they will be the people who my higher-self likes and want to help the most! So my higher-self wants to know who they are and who likes me only if they see me as a normal person. She can time-travel to see but can only know this if this stage happens.


I will need to receive an immunity card at this stage to prevent me from being evicted before I reveal my secrets. (In my first BB audition I was voted by my group most likely to get kicked out first and I think that's right so needs to be prevented) but I may not stay till the very end as I really want to be moved into a larger Global Big Brother show... That might be in a different country (Crazy 'Jesus loving' Americans are my target Market!)! I'm not sure, what will happen in the 2nd show but it needs to be very Big! If the 1st show UK show that Christ is in, is fairly small it will make people think that I too was not very special before that show started so they will be less inclined to believe my claim that celebrities have been writing songs about me for 10 years!



The song below should be inspiration for the first Big Brother show that I'm in. P.S The song below is clearly NOT about me... But this is how the first stage should be, just a bunch of perhaps shallow or seemingly narrow minded people, having fun in a nice Big Brother house, playing games with hope to entertain the public. People won't know me know at this point so maybe many people will think I'm like how Katie is in this song! I love nice cloths (but only ones I can afford), I love sunbathing or just lying down (but that's NOT just me being lazy I think this is me channeling (or releasing) the Holy Spirit and it's power), I have sensitive teeth so hate ice cream (I scream) but few people are likely to care about details like that, and am not just after fame to get rich but few will likely believe me if I say that. I love ping pong but I'm not going into the house just to play games and have a bit of fun, I'm going in to change the world!


Katie is my deceiver! But I will tell the world she represents 'the intelligent side of God!',

.... If you don't see what I see in this, then I just think you are not very intelligent ! ;-)


















This could also be a fun theme to work with... I would love a hair stylist in there too!

And yes... She is meant to look like Katy Perry and he is meant to look like Pitbull... But really he's Martin D Who also looks like Pitbull and he was Darla Son and real Father! 

















Pitbull below is "the Angel of intercourse" Ne-YO is "the Angel of the population!"... Ohh how much they love each other! ...But I don't want to live in that world as its full of idiots who's interest is only in sex and getting wasted!!


...I'd rather stick with 'Nelly' who is the "Angel of Big Brother - Part 1" A show I really need to get to to test the world. (50 cent is more about part 2 as in the 2nd show that's darker).. Kelly is (on her positive side) "the Angel of Aaliyah"... I am Aaliyah (or was). The guy she's with looks like Diddy "the Angel of God the Father'. 'God the father' are just a massive group of people who rule or lead the Land, but most of them have no clue on who God really is or what she really can and can't do... The difference between 'the father' (who can be called Satan) and 'God the father' is that 'God the father' thinks that he's God or that the 'He god' is above 'God the mother' and them who would like to call themselves 'the father' do know who God really is. The Father knows, but also knows she cannot do everything (or anything sometimes) with out help!


    Ps. I like the or ange! Fish! but what happened to it? You don't see it again?


















I don't like 50 cents songs as much as Nelly's songs as I feel they are mostly Darker but that's how the 2nd show must be part 2 of that Nelly and Kelly song above is seen in the link below. That's the part where the Birth of the new age begins! Hence why Ne-yo is also in that song!

Have a Baby by me:



I can easily confuse Nelly with 50 cent though as I feel the both represent Big Brother even though they are two different people but this is how the 1st and 2nd Show should be with me... There should be two shows that are organised by two different groups of people... The Presenters of the 2nd show should be OK because they famous and liked by many fans but I would give producers and runners false names as it's easy to put a few people in hiding for a time (If they don't feel safe on the streets after) they should be fine but the less names used, the less people as risk for the 2nd show should be about setting up horrible people by telling them that Babylon the Great is here and finding out what they want to do to the mother of all abominations! (... EG GOD)... so when they wake up to the truth, it's going to piss off a lot of people until they commit suicide over it!


PS: I have also notice that Nelly has done a part 2 to that song too but he did call the song gone so it seems that he knows the Passover from the 1st to 2nd show needs to happen...



I do not know Dates and times as these things can only be decided by the people who run the show.


I know that things need to start as soon as possible so don't wish to push back dates in anyway but: I've known about my religion for 10 years (which is 10 years too long and I will NEVER forgive humans for making me wait this long.) Christ sacrifice was never about forgiveness of sin it's only about her gaining power through her suffering in preparation to expose God for who she is and for exposing her real power! I hate the Bible but would like to to fulfill Biblical prophecies and the timing set in the Bible:


First fruits: January 16th 1979 - August 25th 2001- Aaliah's Birthday - Death day!

The Resurrection: April 3rd 1987 - Anna's Birthday

Passover: April 23rd 2013 - The begging of the sacrifice after Christ met her son from her 1st life, only to be rejected by him. 

Pentecost: May 13th 2013 - When I first felt the Holy Spirit in full and saw how I could inspire songs. (There was a 50 day build up to it too)

Feast of Trumpets: July 1st-10th 2013 - Christ's Awakening and announcement that she is now here ( one cared)


A ten year wait.... The next two feast have not yet been fulfiled!


Day of atonement - Where 'Jez us' trys to make things up to God by making an atonment for the people's sin of turning away from God... but I have sooo little hope in humans that this could just be code for humans 'making up' lies... or maybe nothing will happen because they are soo prideful they don't think they have to atone for things they've done as they think they worship the right God when really they never have! Maybe this is the day I find out for certain that I'm going to be on Big Brother, or maybe this is when I go into hiding before the start of the show.


Feast Tabernacles - When Christ enters in to the Big Brother House and Says hi to the people (who live outside this house)


As to how long the stages will last, that too will be up to the producers and the interest of audience as I am happy to be on the show for a long time as I hate the outside world so have little interest in living there (they can be in the Tabernacle I can be in the house!)


One more important thing that I need to stress is that after what this world has put me through over the last 10 years whist refesing to help me as a human, I have NO TRUST for anyone (not even myself)... I am the creator on 7-8 Billion people and I trust that the people who are alive for the rest of the timeline will look back on these days and will hope that the people who put on this show, don't make anything worse for me than it has to be. For example people who actually care about the fictional Jesus might hope that his physical abuse was not as bad as they make it out it be in passion of the Christ... but I am aware of the reality which is not that I am the creator of 7 Billion people but rather 7 Billion demons who: lie, deceive, corrupt, abuse there power, waste there time, energy and money... Who don't care about: the environment, there furture, there family, colleges, partners or even kids... They all worshiped God only for selfish reasons and not because they accurately want to know and help her... But your survival should come first, so I can understand that... No mother really wants to go through a honorable, painful pregnancy but the baby will do what it can to survive, even it if does not know what that really is to do!.... I know though that I can only fight demons by using the smart (or rich) demons to fight the stupid, non-Spirit filled demons.... But the spirit is Evil sometimes, the people are Evil too often and so I will find it incredibly hard to trust anyone, so it will be important for Big Brother to make me like you! I'm happy to be in a controlled environment for a long time as my need to die will not go away for a long time, hence maybe that's best... (I can made decisions but I'm a human God with an crap memory! Making the decisions for 7 Billion people is something that I will need help with...) But it is important that it's not too obvious that I am God to the public, for I want the most horrible people to feel like they can hurt and insult me if that is what they want to do! When the Angels take over, I need to be hidden from the public view as it needs to be easier to seek them then me but I do still want to do things... but maybe anything I do should be only be made public in the long term future... That's why I think it might be best to have a child by a sarroget mother not myself... I will be 37 soon... Age will start showing in only 10 years. I want a child a.s.p but also want to do things... and I hate the thought of waiting 9 months just to have a miscarriage...  but I HATE people now too... so don't want to do things for the people who are alive on Earth now (as millions of people here seem happier just lying about me and all the things that I (God) am doing for them in there every day life....) I hate the people of today but I want to do things for the reincarnated people of the future, people who want the truth and not to just live in delusions and lies about what GOd does... (They will hopefully be much better...)


















My old Big Brother Plan (see BB 2 Update for truth!)
- Made in July 2023 but now cancelled becuase know one wanted to help me!



Stage 2: After stage one, I need to tell people that I think I'm Christ (God in human form who lives outside time when I'm not in a human body). Then UK Big Brother show needs to get bigger and be talked about by many channels countries all over the world... Is it just a 'Joke', a lie or am I really Christ! This question needs to go global but avoid Muslim counties as it's got nothing to do with Allah.


I don't know at what point to tell people that I think I'm God but when I do tell the public, Big Brother should not tell the public that they believe I'm Christ, they should make out that they are only allowing me to talk about this whilst in the house to get people talking about different things (and Prehaps making money of the discussion too) or it could be funny to laugh at the thought that a dumb blonde thinks she God in human form. It's important that the audience feels like they are able to think what they want and even show any outrage they may have at the thought that someone on TV (and Blonde women who lives in a poor part of Birmingham) is claiming to be there God and a time travelling Ghost. Housemates can think and say what they want, but I want the audience to turn on me as Christians all over the world claim to know and love Christ, but by getting lots of people to publicly denounce me, reject or to insult me, it will only show the world how little Christians know and love the real Christ. The truth will be known but I reckon it could take up to 10 years for all world to accept it! Promoting Christ is Promoting me, even if they don't believe I am Christ as Jesus Christ is only code for Jez u's Christ (who is actually Anna)!

















Stage two is the Build up to the Global Big Brother show that I want the world to watch!

This song is funny if its me in a Big Brother house getting people or other Big brother shows, to be interested in joining with me!

May Bee is my Grand-mothers name! ... or you could say "call me maybe"  'c  all me A Bee!'


There is much talk about the three temples so the 1st Temple could me the USA BB House and the 2nd Temple could be the BB House that Anna's in in the UK and then the 3 Temple will the temple Where she is Mostly be in to shine her knew Gospel!




















The main 'guy' I want is America (Am Eric) ... They speak English as a 1st language and they are looking for Christ in a big way... But really I want to 'date' all the countries and states... But I'm aware that they don't really want me (God!)





3 temples.jpg




Stage 3: Here's an idea of what the house might look like



















I think there should be a main UK show hosted by Dvina or/and Emma or/and AJ... They can open the Global UK show (with me as it's princess or puppet for those who rather think I'm crazy) and they can just help promote all the shows or over see all the houses evictions in a weekly update... With Rylan hosting a nightly show where people just talk about all the things shown in the main UK show.  Usually Big Brother treats the housemates equally, (unless there's a head of house) but since I believe I'm the human God and because I want to link up with all the houses and get inside all of them, it might be better for the UK show to link all the shows together via me, if that's possible. Perhaps make it about my time but it doesn't have to be on TV, it could just be online so that people can watch it all around the world.


I like the idea of a positive show and a negative show:


 A positive show for people who think I might be Christ, hence is respectful towards what I say and shows me talking to people all over the world about why I think what I do, as a test for the public and a test to me to show to the public how I answer there questions or responses....

....and a negative show that is for people who are: ignorant and want to mock someone like me, atheist and who think I'm mad or for Christians who think that I could be the prophesied Anti-Christ, only with less power! 


The show should though make it look like I'm only now or recently been discovered or heard about, making people think no one has known about me until now. It could be a good idea to make it seem like Anna auditioned to be on Big Brother claiming to be Christ with a bunch of reason and some very rich people have seen this audition and saw me on the UK ITV Big Brother show, then have chosen to found a large scale Big Brother show to make money of my belief regardless to if it's truth or not. Or maybe they did it to set up a world wide occultic sex ritual because they are sick, evil, mentally ill... or maybe it was just to get richer... Or perhaps a group of Satanists have been looking for me... To safrifce!



Kanye West represents people with Maddens in them! (or some physic ability)

....This song takes the piss of my plan!
















There's only one God, I've inspired thousands of song and films, I've waited 10 years, God has waited 20,000 years (Since when ever Eve was first here) and Earth has been waiting 2000 years for Christ return, I won't ever see me again until the end of the timeline, so this show should be special! In this new house, I will be placed in my own temple called 'House of Babylon!' or 'the temple of Jerusalem' (Me being Jerusalem if you like me, Babylon if you don't). Where I can be the Big Brother Princesses (Who believes she's God and wheres a cheap plastic crown). I should be pampered and treated well during my days, but you can say whatever you want to the audience, my higher-self will know the truth and I cant be offended If I don't know anything!


I want people of all langues and nations to see me and hear me so there could be lots of Pop-up Big Brother shows that are located right next to my house in this hidden location. I should be allowed to visit all these houses as 'the Big Brother Princess who thinks shes God' (Even if all they do is insult me and talk about all the reasons why I can't possibly be the God of this world...) Big Brother should do it in a way that makes people think that they might only be promoting me to make money from my crazy theories, that or to stir up an intelligent debate (as If I'm right, then I've just made the biggest discovery in history, one that proves time travel and God is real!) ... Go with the flow of what the audience wants to see but I know that people in the different countries might act or respond differently to me claiming to be God, hence why separating the houses and having them in different langueses might be a good idea... Even if it doesn't always make me look good... Presidents and Kings might even want to have a say in the show...


I'm not here to look good I'm here to get people to know God, her good and bad qualities! Her (me) not liking humans is my bad quantity but it's just the truth because of the life that I've lived! A life where I have seen my inspiration and the work of my higher self every day yet I've had to live in isolation because know one I meet can believe that someone like me would be God or have the power to time-travel and set things up to in the time-line to point to me as being Christ (God in a human body). No one I meet believes me so I can't hang out with people as I just hate how they can't see what I see and support me with this world changing thing. Also I believe many people know about me but none are talking to me, they are just writing songs about it so I hate people for using yet ignoring me whist I do massage for a living and have a crappy life. I hate meeting people only to tell them and yet just have them not believing me because they cant see me as being that special or important. If people can't understand why I hate people after suffering over this for 10 years, then I only have more reason to hate them! How would you like people if billions of people claim to love and worship you, yet if you told them its you, not one person would believe or help you! This would make you see humans as nothing but ignorant liars who only want Christ for what shes not! I think global Big Brother show should be set in a hidden location as people might want me dead if they feel there religion or view of God or Christ is under threat. Strongly religious people are dangerous!


I would love there to be lots of Christians YouTube channels where people give all the glory to God and Christ yet take pleasure from insulting me to there followers...


I would like there to be a Big Brother Gone global: America, Australia and Canada, which will be hosted by the countries chosen host and which will focus on the reactions of the house mates from these Locations but since Earth has many different langues, one idea I've had is to have me in a small central house and then to have several more Big Brother shows that are not about locations but about divided by a person 1st language. Each of these houses will therefor represent a different 1st language that a person speaks, so could have housemates in there who are located all over the world. Most of the people though should also speak some English that way they can communicate with me. During there stay, they will get to hear my claims and beliefs and then debate about it on there own show and say what there thoughts are about what I say in regards to me being God. French, German, Spanish, Portegees, Italian, Chiness and Japaneses are the main langues that I think the shows should be in. Each house could have bed rooms upstairs and living/kitchen room downstairs to allow the houses to take up less ground space. They could all have there own pool or Jacuzzi or they could in hourly turns share my garden and it's facilities... Chinese and Japanese people are biologically designed to seek Lilly not me, so I would want to talk to them differently by telling them the little that know about my next life to see how they will respond to knowledge about her and how God can be a human (Me). I'm not sure how many housemates should be in each house or who should go in there but it will be the show producers who decide this.


The people who go into these houses may or may not know about me before there show starts. That will be left up to the producers to deiced. Some may not want to enter the house if they knew it was going to strike up a religions debate about who God is or isn't!


My main target market are Christians for they believe in Christ but I just need to get them to believe in me and not Jesus and to test them to see who will stick to Jesus even after I have told them my beliefs. Atheists are an easy target unless they are soo strong in there belief that they are not open to any other views. Islam is something that should not be mentioned, there can be fallen away Muslims in the house but not Muslims... I want to fulfill as many Biblical prophesies as I can, even if they are just fake unrealistic tasks, but when it comes to Islam, I would not want to forfill any of there prophesies, I would rather they just see the whole show as a Comedy TV show that has nothing to do with there religion. It could get really ugly if they think there religion is being insulted or under threat, so do not aim to try to convert any Muslim, this stage should be set in a hidden location, just incase any Muslim or devout Christian wants to kill me for blasphemy. There might be many people who want to leave if they get sacred over my Revelation, they could always be replaced!
You should keep all the house's separate so ban all communication between the groups (unless connected by a Big Brother request). I though will be allowed amongst the different groups under BB control. I reckon people will respond differently to the thought of me being Christ so it would be nice to show how the different groups respond. In each house there should be many people who speak English as a 2nd langue hence can translate things I say.


Big Brother can be 'this worlds' God but I want to be it's princess! This will open up the door for the next sage. This stage is just about setting up the platform that I need to get the world to see me so I can test people to see who believes me.. My higher-self can time-travel so she will know who supports me and at what stage! If Big Brother want to play the roll of 'the male God' they can as I would love a group boyfriend, but God's are Global, so lots of pop up 'Big Brothers' or BB side shows, need to go online, and many christian podcast can go up too that complain about me! ... First maybe it could just be in English and then in all types of different languages...'  I am Christ so 'Christ followers' are my main target, but I'm God too so people who just believe in 'God' should just have a chance to get to know me too and hear what I have to say before making a decision on my thoughts...  I am NOT Allah so I would though leave out the Muslim Nations and never refer to me as Allah! I believe Allah and God are called different things for a God reason likewise I am a she and don't wish to be referred to as a he... People who refer to God as a he are not talking about me they are referring to a false God of there imagination, likewise people who talk about Allah are not talking about me! In both cases I respect peoples choice and respect there choice to reject me... People who call God a he are showing there loyalty to: Satan, world leaders, the state, people who want control everything (or Big Brother....) If 'he's' your god... fine I will respect your choice! Likewise if you call God, Allah, you don't worship Anna and Anna has no plan to fulfill your prophesies, my life will only be in danger if i do... If you don't think I'm Allah, the beast, the Dajjal the Anti-Christ... GOOD! I will encourage you to keep believing that... for I will be safer! But Christians can call me 'the Beast' or Anti-Christ because I'm less likely to be killed by them! 666 is the number of my name (if you add two letters) forming Annna-Belinda-Beex, that = 666 in Hebrew, but really I'm not the anti-christ, I'M THE REAL CHRIST, JESUS IS THE ANTICHRIST, the lie: PS Jesus lie = 666... That's what I would call him! Look it up:




Big Brother Stage TREEa.jpg
Big Brother Stage TREE.jpg
Main show!


The show must expand and get promoted world wide so that all can see me and choose whether or not to watch me and believe me or think I'm crazy, but don't show me support still, just allow people to know that someone is calling themselves God!




It's unconditional love but only in a 'I'm lieing' way! For my love is for my inner self! Ps. I hear her say doesn't matter what the audiences see's because I'm in love with a human being (a Brother is a human being, I love Big Brother, but really it's just a show and me being in TV that I love)


Janet is Angel of the Prison ... I think I need to be in a type of prison for a long time as I need the Angels to rule for 3.5 years and I therefor don't want the public to know how much I actually hate them for making me look slutty, sick and bad in soo many ways! I first need the public to think that they are like me when really they are not so they can worship them for there positive names ... then I want them to rule under there negative name and make it clear to the public that none of them helped me over my 10 years of suffering, all there songs really did was bully and confuse me. I want people to experience a tease of what I had to go through which was to desperately go though all these songs hoping to find answers in the songs as to when 'Jez u's' were going to help me, only to slowly and painfully release that you never were planning on helping me! I hope they seek for Jesus in the same way I tried to seek help from humans only to be let down! I want some people to know I'm Christ but all I want is a nice house, Jacuzzi and sun! (....and a guy to pay the bills)




















In this stage I will be allowed to preach some of MY TELLING of the Bible and be given many days to try and convince both the viewers and the Housemate's that I am the ONE AND ONLY GOD in human form!! I must do this without any help or backing for I need this to be a testing to the world to find out who can and can't believe that I could be Christ (through my words only, even if I'm wrong about some things). When I speak my truth, I will say my thoughts, but I don't know when people first stated to follow me as know one has told me anything, so if they want to lie to the public that's fine... The people can chose whether or not to take an interest in my truth or in what others are saying. But still don't go too strong with promotion. God (and you) will be able to see how strong a persons connection with Christ really is, only if you take your time, for those who have spirits that can recognize Christ the most, they are the ones who won't need much convincing to take an interest and believe in what Anna say's. You can tell who can connected to Christ (or GOD)  the most by how long a person takes to 'wake up' and start believing in Anna, but some might reject and start doing or saying crazy things. Also God should be called God not he or she for you can tell a persons loyalty by whether they call God a he or she... If you say 'he' to purposely lie, or lead people into believing in 'God the father' that's fine but train yourself to say God if you can. Ps, I don't really like being called Allah as I hate female suppression and Islam is all about that. If you like being a human and want to stay human, only call God 'Allah' if you are trying getting people to choose the the God of Islam over the Bible because you want God to turn them back into animals instead of you. (Some have too once the population is down sided! and I believe 'Is lam' is called that for a reason! and its the reason why they don't think God has a human son!)




Stage 4: Rapture of the Bride into a horrible sacrifice on an underground TV Show (..that's fake) 

By this stage there will be a lot of people who hate me for how I am calling myself God and claiming that Jesus is the Anti-Christ, so I feel like an underground show should be set up where people can call an expensive number to make votes to have horrible, sick or embarrassing things done to me against my will or knowledge.


 I will face the 'rapture' and be forced to enter into ritual (or bad marriage)... For the 'bride' to be suddenly captured at an unknown time, taken to an unknown location and forced to face some kind of 'Jesus styled' sacrifice (without forming physical scaring, but if I get bruises from tasks, forming fantasy sketches about those bruises formed could be fun). It will look like I'm being bullied or 'ganged up on' but really the public will be the only ones being 'sacrificed' because I am God and those who will enjoy watching this show, whilst thinking it's all real, will be have been tricked into thinking that they are 'punishing' a delusional, weak, arrogant, non-hardworking women, when really they are showing God how little they like Christ and exposing how much they really don't care about God in flesh! and it shows how useless they think Christ really is! Maybe I should be sold, drugged and carried off into a secret cave, under my Big Brother temple house... where I am to be sacrificed falsely for the sake of pleasing those who may hate me or who want be to be punished for calling myself God. You are free to make as much money from this as you want... The more money you make the better for the more they spend to hurt Christ the worse they would feel after they know the truth! 


If people want to hurt me then great because I am God regardless to whether they believe it or not, regardless to whether you like me or not and regardless to what they want to do to me!... People will believe what they are told by the wealthy and the media for they worship money and power over truth and wisdom... If the rich and those who control the media reject me, they will reject me, if the rich accept me with documentaries that show the proof, they will reluctantly accept me as faith is belief without any evidence to back up your belief. Faith cannot last when all the evidence disproves your belief. When faith is no longer enough, they will turn to me and will look back on there first thoughts of me (and likely think shit! We really did hate God and reject God! Crap!) So take advance of there keenness to believe that I'm not GOD and there desire to want to see me being treated badly for my claim that I'm God, (If they feel that way). This should be shown as this is why its taken so long for God to return to Earth (Hell I meant...)

























Camila is My Angel of secrets! (and a Sex trafficking victim act!)

           ( ...her freind not like me!... I don't want to love you!)





















You could try saying that the sacrifice needs to happen for many reasons but I have no idea what they would rather hear:


1. To punishing me for lieing about how I'm God or for insulting the Christian God.

 2. To punishing me for being the mother of sinners or for being the Jezable spirit that the Bible warns the people about. 

3. Or for simply just not obeying 'God the father' or 'Big Brother' if you want to take religion out of the show... I don't care, it's your show and I hate religion!

4. To open up a gate for 'God' to channel power to man...

 5. To open up a door to heaven, or a door that has made them rich..

6. or say that this is how the male singers can write good songs.

7. I am Babylon the Great! (or am I) I don't care! Say what you want...


My Devil says it best!

...If you think your in a relationship with GOd then you are dating the devil too for she is GOd!

















Madonna is God's main Representative (God in Spirit)

Here God shows herself in a battle with both man who are trying to kill God and her negative side, aka the Devil


















I'm gonna wake up, yes and no (I think the rapture is when I'm put to sleep and you make it look like you are doing horrible things to me... Christ might not wake up but God will because God will be seeing who wants bad things done to me...)

I'm gonna kiss some part of (...society... but hate at the rest)

I'm gonna keep this secret (we all will)

I'm gonna close my body now... (close the mind off some people... I hear I'm going to cloth my body,)

I guess I die another day...

Sigmund Freud Analyze this

I'm gonna break the cycle... (of people just worshiping the same old lies)

I'm gonna shake up the system (...the beast system or matrix)

I'm gonna destroy my ego (by making my human-self look weak)

I'm gonna close my body now (cloth)

I think I'll find another way

There's so much more to know (as a God I want to know what people really want to do to me if I told them that I'm responsible to making the timeline, (and not stopping many wars) and 'sin'... as a human I want to know why people have chosen to ignore me for this long and why they did the horrible songs that they did)

I guess I'll die another day, It's not my time to go!!

For every sin I'll have to pay

I've come to work, I've come to play

I'm gonna avoid the cliché (by honestly not knowing what the TV is showing people)

I'm gonna suspend my senses (I will try to ignore bad feelings)

I'm gonna delay my pleasure (I will know the truth later)

It's not my time to go

I need to lay down


Maybe none will want to vote to sacrifice or hurt me, I don't know, but I want the worlds attention but because this world is sick, doing something sick would be the best way to get there attention (I mean it worked with Jesus)... The Bible says that all things are done by God for God... but I think the Bible is just confusing God with 'God the father' (who is Selfish Men who think they are God)... If she's on Big Brother, technically the show will be like a God for it will be running the shows that the world see's!) Hopefully what they do will be to help God (me) but humans don't care about God (me), they only aim to help themselves most of them! That can be a good or bad thing depending on the overall outcome. Maybe I'm just confusing my bad thoughts with the bad thoughts of man and what they want or maybe I'm sick because of the abuse that I've faced knowing that I'm God and knowing that people have known for 10 years but have refused to talk to me to confirm my suspicion... I'm soo confused, so I don't know! But If I'm inspiring the Bible, no wonder the Bible is also confused! I think the main reason why God (me) makes timeline's is to keep myself busy... and to entertain herself, whist hopefully forming souls that can go on to become a God like her! ;-)​




The Bible is full of crap but some things seem fun... If your up for it!!: A lot of things in it seem sexual if the town or place or Christ sometimes, is actually about a hot women looking for Landowners:


Christ will cum, just hide in your chambers for a while and let the Land Lord in.

He will cover protect, guide and feed you...


....I'm like yay! (but I don't want nude pictures of me floating around) that's what Photoshop is for! Ho to shop! or Ho to shock!




Revelation 17:1: “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. 2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.” .... This “great harlot” is about to receive her judgment from Jesus (Jez u's) for her many sins. She is also called “THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS” Your Mother and Maker! 

.... 6 I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God’s holy (evil) people, the blood of those who bore testimony to Jesus (the real Anti-Chirst). When I saw her, I was greatly astonished. 7 Then the angel said to me: “Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast, (woman) which you saw, (is the real Christ) once was Aaliyah, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction (of Christianity). The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world (because it doesn't exist) will be astonished when they see the beast (Anna), because it once was Aaliah, now is not, and yet will come (cum). The 3 kings are Pink, Madonna, gwen, Niki, Taylor, Katie perry and Gaga! Who represent God! and the 10 horns that are ten Big Brother Shows: Us, Australia, Canada, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, (Japanese or other) and a UK Main show that links them all together



Imagine Dragons Represents the Beast system

.....(The Beast the women rides, or the people who know the hidden truth behind the sacrifice! get people to hate Babylon and to want to hurt her, only for them to later wake up to the truth that Babylon is there only God!) lol The pink Bear!
















































She's right... Hell is sooo funnn! So you can have fun too! Haha!!


I don't know how long this thing should play out for I think the answer should be until people get bored. I don't know if this sacrifice would be legal, as if people think it's real there might be a lot of calls to the police so if there are too many reports made to them, then the fact that it's all fake should be made known. I think this show should be hidden to the general public to prevent police complaints, but if there are lots of people who hate me for calling myself God, then I would love lots of people to know about it. One idea could be that this show is just for a one night, or a one week thing, another idea is that this show should start just after I start just after I get my pirate house and should run along side the rest of the time that the Main Big Brother show runs for... If that was to happen 'Pirates' could run this Show, (an 'underground' show) and I have no idea what could or should happen in it or how many nights it should happen, I think it should all depend on if the audience want more... I think I will be safer with it on as this show will make out that they 100% don't believe that I'm God! So the people who might want me dead for claiming to be God will love this show as they will feel comforted by the thought that I'm wrong about everything. Maybe you should keep this show going but allow voters to put a stop to it if that's what they want, just see what get the most votes... This show is where presenters claim to not believe me and so gather up an audience of stupid sexiest pigs or Christian 'Bible thumpers' who hate the idea of a female Christ trying to rid the world of 'God the Father' or a male term for God. During this show you can giving all the power and glory to 'God the father' or to the people running the show to gain power for themselves...This is the the disillusion the causes desolation, like the Bible says. But only 'do' what the audience want if the audience are people who hate or don't believe me. I think I will be anointed here as 'The most Holy One' eg. The most Evil one! For I am happy to legalese assisted suicide for anyone older than Aaliyah's age for 7 years, and then legalese abortion for any 'mother to be' willing it... Anyone who hates me at this point should express their hate towards me! I also think lust is one of the best feelings to feel.... Ahh I must be evil!! Ps lust is better than bliss as lust is about two people so is less selfish!















Daniel 8:23-25 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king (Anna), a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 SHe will become very strong, but not by her own power (by the power of a TV show). SHe will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever she does. SHe will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people (Evil People). 25 SHe will cause deceit to prosper, and will consider herself superior. When they feel secure (In hurting her), She will destroy many and take her stand against the Prince of princes (Fake Jesus Christ). Yet she will be destroyed, but not by human power. (By the power of Big Brother who will use the lies within the Bible to try a disprove Anna)



​         Bebe Rexha (Angel of Fun or Kaos if taken too far)      Katy Perry is Gods intelligent side (the deceiver)



















All I need is a call centre set up in all the different countries where I can test people to see

1. What they think of me

2. If they want to hurt me for insulting the Bible or them!

3. and how far would they take it?



People can only feel bad for hating God or Christ if it can be proven that they don't like me!

After when they believe in me and see my real power they should be soo sacred that they will change and be better people after (After they feel what it really means to fear God... The time-traveling superpower who controls the Matrix that they live in!)


I love it when people talk about me....                                                                                         

So of course the stupid Humans try to remove me from the Bible.                                                                            

                         But you can never get rid of me as I'm every female!                                               ...Even the Bride of Jez u's!                                                            

















Stage 5: Test people on the main side shows of all the different Big Brothers to see what they think is likely to be the truth! *(this stage may even need to come before stage 4... at the stage where not many people believe I'm anything special...)


I would Love to meet some Christians in the Big Brother house and I would love to have them talk about me on on there shows and YouTube channels and say whether or not they believe I am God! I Really want to know what people like this think of me! Holy means Evil or creepy and unpredictable!


                                                                          This is how much god LoVES YOu












I believe these songs are about me: I would love to know what they think if I tell them this!


My Name is Anna... God has give one one name that can save the people!... My Name!


                                                                                             I just need Big Brother show to help expose me!















I have been kept in the dark about what the singers and celebrities know about me but the audience need to also be kept in the dark about what they know. They should judge me for who I'm am and for the honesty that I bring. 

Gods Test Questions!


Once I'm on the Big Brother show I will reveal my religion.... After the world starts to show an interest in me (or in how I might be the real Anti-Christ)... I would love everyone to be asked these type of questions below: There can be longer forms for people who want to spend more time explaining there views... but these are Questions that I would like to ask everyone around the world, after they have gotten to know me as a mortal human with a large amount of power! After a time I would like them to receive a copy of it to remind them of there answers so that they can reflect on what they wrote earlier. And you can give the same test over the weeks and see how many people are starting to believe in me!


1. Who do you think is Christ

a. Jesus

b. Anna

c. Other

d. None

In 50 words say why:

If you don't think Anna can be Christ say why here:


2. Do you think God should be called a:

a. He

b. She

c. Either

d. Niether

e. 'It' for God's just a feeling such as love

In 50 words say why

Anna thinks God should be called a she because she is a she and GOd at the same time, if you don't think Anna can be God say why here:

If God is Anna how do you think God would feel knowing that people can't believe that Christ (God in human form) could be a female?

3. Do you think Anna has inspired a huge number of songs, books and films yes /No

If no say in 50 words why.
Do you think celebrities have none about Anna for 10 years?


4. What female Bible characters do you think Anna is most like: Lilith, Eve, Babylon, Mary, Jesus, Jezable, all of them in different ways (you can add any that are not on the list here)

Which ones is she least like?

5. Tick the boxes below to think if she could be any of the below things

a. Goddess

b. The Devil

c. Babylon the Great (mother of sinners)

d. An alien

f. a witch

g. God the Mother of all people

H. All of the above

I. Mad

J. confused

Explain why!

6. Do you think the world would be benefit from knowing about a female God or about a female christ, what she is really like as a mortal if she is really a God in human form. yes / no

If no say why in 100 words.

Do you think females would be treated better if people believed that Christ is a female?

Do you think Christ can be soo powerful that females are largely only different from males because of there D&A and how it has a stronger connection to Christ then the Male genes. (It's that's and worldly stereotyping.)

7. Do you think Anna could help you in your personal life yes / no

Say how in 100 words.

Would Anna be a good or bad influence on the world?

8. Who do you think Anna's children or people are if she has them...

a. None

b. You

c. Everyone

d. Only the evil one's

e. Only the rich

f. Only people who can accept her.

Do you think she likes her people! (Drr no) If no, do you think she has a good reason to feel how she does or do you think she should be nicer of more forgiving?

9. Tick the things you think she helped or will help to form:

a. Wars

b. Love

c. confusion

d. wisdom

e. Kaos

d. A solution

Write here anything else in up to 50 words.

Do you think she could be Aaliyah... If not why!

Do you think she can time-travel... if not Why!

10. Do you think she can form (with your help) a better world? yes or no

Why in 100 words.

Do you think people should listen to here advise? Help her or work with her!

11. If she is not God, do you think she deserves to be punished by God for her sins yes / no

If yes what would you like to see happen to her. (in up to 100 words).

12. Is it right to say she has sins yes / no

If yes In 100 words what do you think her sins are ?

What is sin in your definition?

Would you obey Anna's will!

13. If it was your choice what would be a fitting punishment for her?

say in 100 words. 

If she's not God, what do you think God should do to her?

If the public wanted it, would you like Big Brother to do to her!


14. Do you think her pet (Rocket The hamster) should be sacrificed along with her (like they do in the old testament)? yes / no

If yes why?

15. In 100 worlds what do you think Anna is like a a person?

Do you think she nice kind or Good!

Do you think she would make a good Mother?

Would you want Anna to be your Mother! If not Why!!!

Do you think she can keep kids safe?... If not why?

16. Do you think she's had a good life.

In 100 words what do you think her life has been like?

Do you care about wanting to know about her life and past?

17. Would you rather believe in and follow after God the Father, God the Mother or nothing. Say why in 50 words.

Do you think the singers are actually Gods Angels.... If Not why!!!


18. On the scale of 1-10 how interested are you in finding out about her life past or up-bringing?

If Anna was God and Christ, on the scale of 1-10 how impressed are you over her? 


19. If you don't think God can be the one and only Goddess STATE WHY NOT!!!



A year later send the form to them and ask them if they still feel the same about me!


Another thing I would love Big Brother producers to do is to set me up with people who preach about and write books about demon possession... I believe demons are just evil human souls not monsters from another realm, not the Devil and not Satan.... People should not be going around making up claims about this just to make money so I would love to have interviews with these people who believe that they know more about these things then I do and I want to test them.... You can make out that you are getting them to test me and prove me wrong, that I can't be God because.... but I am God! If they don't know that or can't see that then it will show who is really lieing about what they know. I would love to ask them why they think Satan is a demonic demon. If they think that God has spoken to them, do they think it was my higherself who they spoke to!


I would love to take to people who do Exihsimsums. Who have Near death experiences. People who have claimed to see Ghosts, people who claim to know the future, People who claim to have a close personal relationship with Jesus and God the father....



People can't just going around lieing about things and making up things to make money from these lies and get away with it!... Lieing about God is only ok if you are working with God to help expose liars or help the world to see who knows God and who does not! I will be open minded to things though but if something is real you need to show me proof that's its real. I believe in Ghosts (as I saw many when I was younger). Once I walked into my dads bedroom only to see the hover leg floating in the air, then suddenly it doped and I saw a black shadow dart across the room, now I know I'm God, that could of been my higher-self trying to get me to tidy up my dads room... But it didn't work as my dads room was too smelly to want to stay in there!















I would like to share what I've seen to work out what the other things could have been. I think my higher self might be doing ghostly things to inspire films to be made about Ghost... but not demons from another world... My higher-self is not evil so is not out to harm only shock and scare! (I did once see something that looked just like something you would see on Buffy! but it also looked fake, like it was man made (only a real ghost) so I think it was just a Ghost trying to pretending to be a demon! That's something my higher-self would do... I actually like to be scared as its a bit of excitement and give me a fun story to tell people, and I'm a fan of Buffy and I think that Ghost knew that!.... But If it has not help to inspire films, then I don't know why my higher-self would bother to do it! Possessing normal people who don't do anything in there life would be pointless. In the interview the guy asks if Jesus is in control like he claims he is, why would he allow people to get possessed... My answer is to inspire Ghost films, but if it don't inspire a good movie then it's probably just lies... He however doesn't answer that question as I'm sure his clients are mostly just mentally ill people who want attention! I don't believe in literal demons if he does then he's not telling the truth (....Unless your just talking about my higher-self who's just having a laugh! lol!!)



                                                                                                                           Are Demons real .... Really!! ...What do you think Angels are??

                                                                                                                         ps. Christians are satanist as the Father they worship is satan (male leaders who lie!)

                                                                                                         at 21.04 mins ... He says my name is legion.... that's code for lie on!!! eg I'm lying!

















Kaney is the Black Jesus - But by that I mean he represents an average guy with Mental illness...
EG. He represents a LOT of people of all coulors.... (please note that I don't like calling 'Brown people' 'Black people' as I find it very
un-accurate! You would not call a Brown bear a Black bear so why do that to humans?
.... Are you Mad!





Stage 6: Meet some of the Celebrities on the Big Brother Show but I will talk to them as the secret Character Name that I have given them, but these names will remain hidden to the public at first. I will call them my Angels and say that they all represent different sides of me (Even though some don't actually represent me). I will tell the audience that I believe that they have known about me for 10 years and that they have been writing songs about me throughout this time without speaking to me or giving me any acknowledgement.


The singers can confirm or dini this claim, its up to them and how they think there character will respond in this situation.


I would like you to test people to see if they believe me or not... Do they believe these songs or singers do connect with different side of me! if not why!


Here is an example of what I will say to the celebrities!

Niki: you are the leader... so lead! Your the best in the Game... There would be nothing without you!

Killey Manoge : You should be the most powerful Angel so I'm saddened that your not!

Rihanna : Your are soooooo important for this world.... soo never forget that! (Even though I thought I hated you!)

Katie Perry: You scare the shit out of me!

Gwen: I will NEVER want to get on the wrong side of you!

Ellie Golding : Shine as bright as you can!

Sophie Elis Bextor: I don't need to tell you anything because you already know it!

Camila : I don't have anything to say about you (I mean I know nothing about you really!)

Madonna : Can you please kill me I don't want to live here!

Anastasia: Can tell me everything you know!

M.I.A : I love you sooooo much.... More than any other Angel!!! I hope I can protect you!!!

Pink : Stay strong until you no longer have too!


Mia's... I love all three of the the most!!! 

Them and Gaga... Gaga - Don't let anyone hate you or tell you that you are not GOd!!! Bee Above that!


Carrie Underwood - Your NOTHING like me!


If you know me you will know what I'm really saying.... This charade is fun to play with!

Robbie: I will always like you but I know I need more then you! But your negative side is better than nothing and for year nothing was all I had!

I need you Eminem (well what your positive side represents!) but I also need to hate your character! I'm sure you understand what I'm saying...














Taylor Swift - I never hated you for yours songs because for the 1st 5 years of my tribulation I never thought your songs you were about me.... Then I released that they were! ....I was like SHIT!

Gwen Stefani - I wish I was more like you!

Geri Halliwell - You confuse me!

Britney Spears - Have you really lost your mind or is this just an act!

Hillary Duff - Do you actually like me?


Christian Augulier - I'm still pissed off at you over with what you did! (SHHH!... why did you have a child with an animal!) 

Martin Dodd - I don't want to see you know you or meet you... You have caused me nothing but pain and I don't want you to hurt me any longer... You are the son I never wanted! You ignored me for waaayyy too long and I think you have no heart to be able to do that to me!


Jennifer Lopez - I don't have anything to tell you because I don't think 'you people' would actually listen to me if I did say something. You never listened to me for all I wanted was to not to be ignored for 10 years and I never got that!

Shakira - Do what you think its best but understand that I gave up years ago for good reasons... This world is too sick!

Nicole Scherzinger - I dont want anyone to think that Im like you becuase I dont feel that way... We've had two very diferent lifes!

Paris Hilton - Your still an inspiration to me

M.I.A. - You go girl! Woho!

Lily Allen - Your too complicated to talk to for everything could say, I can also say the exact opposite thing and agree with that too!

Doja Cat - I don't need you.... but the people doo, so I know you are important!

Dua Lipa - Stay smart and never let a guy walk all over you! Just walk away if you think they might one day.

Ke$ha - Try and appeal to as many people as you can!

Megan Thee Stallion - You are the BEST! A total reason for living!

Miley Cyrus - Stay away from me, I hate people like you, stick to your own kind and I will stick to a talking Camera (BB Diary room) 

Arianna Grande - You have the best voice in the world.... (even better than Whitney's).... I would hate to see you not use it! I also still love the cloths in your music videos.

Madison Beer - I can't tell you what I would say to her for I can't give all my secrets away!

Fergie - Your still the angel that I would most want to be!

Ava Max - Your not my type as I would rather just do me!

Alicia Keys - I have mixed feelings about you.... I do love some of your songs and you are a nice person who wants to do right by everyone but I feel you sometimes don't see the bigger picture and true state of the Earth in the long run!

Ellie Goulding - Shine bright... but don't shin anyway near me for we are NOT on the same side! I'm more awake!

Billie Eilish - Love your fans as much as they love you!


Bebe Rexha - After we meet do you think you can make your songs less dark, I know how to have fun in a good way (I think..) well its been soo long that I think I've forgotten really.... But don't want all my angles to be Holy angels only!

Camila Cabello - I dont want to say anything about her, I would rather people just guess what I'm thinking!

Demi Lovato - I'd rather not confront you!

Lana De Ray - I relate to your songs soooooo much! They really cheer me up to know that other people feel the same way as me!

Mable - I would LOVE to be your freind.... You seem soooo cool!

Rita's Ora - I wished we were closer then we are... right now I feel like meeting you would be like meeting a complete stranger!

Charli XCX - I would love you to be on my side!

Haile Steinfeld - I know nothing about you still 

Evanesecnes - I dont like how your songs are soo deep, but would not be alive without you, the greatest power is in you.

Mya - Do you remember me!

Ciara - I don't feel that I know anything about you. I feel that you are my higher-self's angel but not mine!

Tate McRae - What's with that 10.35 song.... I mean whats soo special about 10.35!

Kim Petras - Be whoever you want to be even if that means being different every day!

Poppy - Who is the Illuminati, what do they know about me! What are they saying about me!..... I have many questions to ask!!

Jessy J - What do you really think of me! I believe you have the strength to tell me the truth! Are people scared of me?

Enola Dedard - Do you want to be a Big Brother Housemate! WE can be friends, but only if that's your choice!

Billie Piper - Hi... I want want to give you more publicity! We went to the same school...

Mandy Moore - Lets leave you out for a while

Cardi B - Have some Bricard's on me!

Mia Rodriguez - I would love to go to your conserts, when is the next one!!
Reye - Hello... Just making a connection!
Zara Larsson - booo
Iggy Azalea - Do you thing! Think about your savoir song and rise!
Meghan Trainor - Tell girls all over the world that Skinnyness dose not always lead to happyness,,, I'm skinny but never been happy! It easy to blame my depression on one inch of fat on my hips, or a nose that's too big.... but I know really it's really got nothing to do with that!
Lorde - You can be the people's Lorde if they prefer you to me, who will just be in hiding for a long time!



I am happy to do a similar thing with the guys ... but I think the whole thing will play out differently!


Christ Brown - umm... ok... Well your much better now then you were before! Even if you are actually just more angry at the world now! ... I am too...
Martin - You will always be Darla's first son... Even if I do hate you now...
Justin Timberlake - I don't know what to say! Ask the other guys!
Maroline Manson - Your God Satan is the same God as the Holy Christian's Male God (An imaginary fake Male) tell the world this please :-)
Maroon 5 - We can hug if you want... I would like that! I don't care if your married, its not a long term thing! I just need to get drunk first then I'll be all over you! I see that! - Your my King who needs to rule over all the males! (and females in a way)
Ed Sheeran - Nice arms! There good at playing songs! Your the angel of thought hence I should focus on your amazing looks... (copy the humans)
David Guetta - How things go with you will be all about how you play your cards! (If you play your cards right I mean)
Furture - What do you want (or did you want)... But I guess you can lie if you want... I always fall for lieing dates! Thinking that something is going to happen soon only to find out that it never does... 
Weekend - You look a bit like my only freind... but he sleeps a lot! (some wired condition he has) but I think I have a stronger connection to you because of knowing him.... Is that wired! I often find that people who look similar to someone can also act similar too... (but not in Britney vs me's case)
Eminem  - I will always like you so please don't be scared of me hurting you... not you!! I think I need to be locked up (not sure on timings) but just make it a nice prison where I can be happy, safe and feed (loved would be good too! but not by everyone! I can't help that many people as some people will be happier being not human) ps I just wrote 'some have low mental ability' but then my computer page just crashed... I cannot say things like that as stupid people can become smart people over time so there's nothing wrong with there mental ability, just there current state because of over population) but the fact that my computer just crashed like that the second I wrote those words makes me feel like some supper intelligence is watching over everything I do and say but for a good reason! Make sure the phrase you publish is 'some have little mental ability right now" that's just truth, hence implying that it can change and will be much better in the future, which is only something my higher-self knows... This shit is real... Things that the public hear me say can have big consequences if I say the wrong things as too many people think they must depend me, maybe they are right or maybe they are wrong... I don't need to be in lock down for the rest of my life but I will need some privacy whilst the Angels get there exposure and rule for a time. Please note when I'm in lock-down I can say things I don't mean as I do get confused with my words sometimes and it is genially just a accident... ps if computes crash for no reason when editing things, consider that something you plan to publish might be wrong.
Imagine Dragons - I like you but feel like I don't really know you, hence wander who you all really are? Maybe you can tell me? But thinking about you makes me feel tired, like I should just let you decide because I'm worried about any outcomes or consequences if I deiced... Im tired of worrying and being stressed out about it... I hate being seen as weak but I have just allowed a whole plant full of souls to live, even if some of there life's wont that great... I know many have suffered here but the best people are those who can simpathise with me. Many have had a nice life whist I've struggled but I feel there past lives would have been very different so they likely deserve the life and money they have now.... Suffering allows people to connect to the spirit better and that is where the real intelligence is hence why its better to be the slave then the master sometimes but the master was likely once the slave hence how they became the master in the first place... this is just the circle of life... I know this from experiance!...
Blake Sheldon - Keep Gwen away from me! ,,,, If you can? But then again I know she can have a lot of control... Ahh! Her 'fun' is not always fun for me... I know that wayyy toooo well! She's like the master that you don't want but secretly know is best for you... Grr!
Diddy - I would like to meet your twins, they seem nice! I always wanted twins... Even if the father is a bit crazy!
User - I miss you but its been a very long a stressful tribulation for me (way too much for me to handle) so I mostly want to just rest now (plus I still have a horrible cold as I write this, I need to recover before doing things... Still want a child with a sarroget though) I don't think I want to get pregnant again as this was too much, but I want a kid that looks like me)
Jason Derulo - I also need a noise job... and I love how you like the camera, I Love the camera if I look good in it! Not nakid though... I'm the creator of the world around us, the film &music industry and of all people ... I need people to respect me and not just see me as a walking pair of tits... I don't like those kinds of people! That's what guppies do... Just stare at other fishes virginal's whenever they can. I want people not fish! (...But I do like fish!)
ColdPlay - I have a feeling that you should tell me that I'm a liar and that the whole show is fake and that I can't possibly be God because I'm just working with the producers setting the whole thing up... Perhaps the elite are just trying to control people by using me as there new puppet! Then I think bouncers should remove you and try to cover up your roll! In 2013 something like that happened when I went to a party with Laura... He said something apparently and then got taken away by a bouncer and people told me to ignore what he said but I couldn't remember what it was that he said, but it's always been at the back of my mind... I mean I keep questioning it! What was it that he said?
Garry Barlow - I'd rather you just talk to me then me think about talking to you...
Labrinth - I can't tell what I would say right now, I will just say what I say at the time I guess (but I might not meet everyone... The producers will need to choose who it is that I see, why and when) 
G-Easy - Your waaay too easy for me... I don't need to say or do anything, you are kinda fit though.
Pharrell Williams - I don't know.... If it was just you and me I would say just do whatever makes you happy, but the world is a horrible place and so they need God to be both 'Smart and Happy' so that they can be 'smart and happy' too not 'Cheap, easy, used in a nasty way and depressed!' I like to give out what I get! Having said that, there are some bad people here at this time who deserve this (me) and subconsciously know this and if that is there wish, I must respect that for everyone should have the right to make there own choices"
Drake - Bulls only attack when or after they have been attacked... Only after they feel threaten or feel in pain... That has already happened to me for 10 years... so I can now be easily provoked and hit back if I feel proved (This might seem way too aggressive if people insult me in a big way) and I know that many people who don't know what I've gone through might not understand where that anger comes from... Hence why I might need some calming music at hand if I do meet up with Christians who deny me in a strong way!
Elton John - Do you want to play Archery? 
Blue, Backstreet Boy, Westlife, Boyzone - I don't know

Peter Griffin - People always want real people in the house but I'm like 'he should come in' do you have a problem with fake people! I love this guy... He's funny!






This is my Angel of contradiction... She's toooo complicated to be seen at this stage so I'll keep her hidden for now as I want people to think and not just to jump to a conclusion... There's good and bad in everything I say, but I should not have to keeping on telling people this! If they do over analyse everything and only see negatives things... let them! 


.....for me to explain her is to say that for most things she says, I agree with her, but I can also make the opposite statement and agree with that too in different ways! eg. I've not been on Big Brother before, but I've made 70 timelines and I always end up exposing myself on this show...!


















In this song Above...

My Riri (my darker side) is not afraid of the Kate (the deceiver) because I am the deceiver so know all about the deceptions because I made them!... but on the other hand I'm most Afraid of Katie as it's hard to tell lies from truth and she does scar me as I hate being deceived by myself! How can myself do this to me for 10 years and not tell me when its going to end!

Lorde is the angel of False Gods or people who worship them!... I want them all Slain! but no the Lord is not going to slay anyone (shes just a ghost)

Gaga is the Devil but she is a Marta too because God has set everything up to get people to put the blame all on the Devil, but what the people don't know is that God and the Devil are actually the same person (me!) But she's not a Marta because gaga is not going to die over this... She's a great performer!





Stage 7: I must learn the truth about what the celebrities know and why they have ignored me this whole time whilst just using me. I must Meet the celebrities in secret and film everything, so I can Start hearing the truth about what the celebrities know about me and what there side of the story is.... I want to know when they heard about me and what they heard.


To do this you could 'fake kill me' so I can go into hiding for a short time. 'Killing me' might not be necessary as it will only be necessary if there is a large number of people who want me to die so that they can continue to believe that Jesus is Christ. I'm not sure at what point the audience should know that the sacrifice was fake (If that was actually to happen) but maybe it should go one step further to make it look like I get killed (so it will be easier to hide to prevent people from trying to kill me for real...)


I don't know if 'killing me', is necessary but I know that I need to meet the celebrities (the singers and some actors), and learn the truth as to why they have been ignoring me for 10 years. I feel that I must meet them on a personal leave on a 'private show' as they will need to explain there actions so that they can go forwards and not feel like I might just plan to kill them for hurting me for 10 years... I do not forgive any one as a human but luckily for them, I don't think my human self has that much power... I God I was probably happy to work with them to insult me in there songs as there are 7 million people in the world and testing and punishing them who get tricked by lies about my real life seems like much more fun then just punishing a handful of talented singers. I need to empower them, by showing them support under there positive angel name... but first need to speak to them and learn the truth, even if they never thought I was GOd. We are not friends but then no one is here to my disappointment. This could be done my me faking my death, then doing private filmed meetings, then 'rise's up from the dead 3 'days' (or 3 weeks or 3 months) later (depending on how long I should hide for). I want to learn the truth about what was going on in the singers minds and when they found out about me, why they did the songs they did... These interviews will be shown to the public only much later on, after they learn that the Angels are mostly only 'Holy Angels' and were not actually helping me for the 1o years as I was only ignored, they were mostly just insulting me by glorifying horrible ways, attitudes and things that Anna does not actually agree with! Hence they used me but my higher-self was using them to expose problems that lie inside people, so done for the greater good! This might lead to many suicides as many people will not be strong enough to cope with the truth, but like Jesus they will rise up again only be better next time!


For the info it won't be like Britney's telling of it... nor Nessa's but I need you to NOT lie to me here!

 Nessa shows how I feel most days so making it about a lie is a way to hide the truth 


















Stage 8: I need to 'rise again' eg: come back to life again and Meet Aaliyah's Family and have Big Brother (and a large bunch of rich people) who Finally support me... Maybe the sacrifice should be exposed as Fake by this point!


Maybe I should meet some of the world leaders and have them agree that I'm God!
















 If I did fake my death I might need to come back to life again, or they could go public about me without me, I'm not sure what's best? If it's safe for people to know that I'm alive still then Great!


Then I want to show aggression towards anyone who wanted to see bad things happen to me!


I AM ISRAEL and Jerusalem Jesus is Jez u's! Satan is the father (World Leaders!)

















Taylor Swift is the 'newer' God/me... (the God who HATES her people)... This is how I feel towards most people on Earth, I hate them for not being able to believe in me for a long long time, but by making out that the Angels are on my side, people might like 'me' through there empowering work that is all inspired by God or Man kind if the singer is Male. 

























Stage 8: Go public about who I think the Angels are and get them to visit me on the show and crown them under there positive titles. It will be up to them if they want to support or publicly reject me! I want to go onto the Grammies to officially give them there titles but I also want it to seem like I only care about females... to piss off any guy who believes that God believes that males should be above women. If they don't want to accept me as there God... GOOD!! I'm happy for them to reject and insult me as they will only go mad over it later when the wake up!


If they have told the public that they did not know about me over the years maybe they should admit that that was a lie but they were not aware of there title names until July 2022! Then I could do just another few short weeks on the Big Brother global show, wherecrown the Female singers 'Angels' in a grand ceremony full of flowers... Give many of the female singers their positive names only and give my 'Kings' a crappy ceremony the next day and give them insulting names only, to anger any guy who think men are better than women! 



I think some Angels titles should be announced on The Big Brother show but there are a lot of them and so that might not be the best place to announce them. I am VERY upset with music award shows because for 10 years it feels like they have celebrated all the work that my higher self has help them do yet they did not include me in any way. They have written, rejoiced over and preformed Songs that are obviously all about me but they have ignored me, not included, invited or even mentioned me and did not once help me financially in anyway this whole time... I therefor hate these shows and hope to Boycott them all for the rest of my life... I see this show as nothing but a bunch of demons just gathering up together to congratulate themselves of how great they are for leaving Christ out (Christ who is the mortal version of the God who's given them there best work...) they've all just left her out and acted like they know nothing about her, whist she just drawns in misery as she can't get anyone to believe anything she says... but on the flip side this probably would be the best place to award the full list of singers with there titles, whist giving a strong delusion that I'm happy with the singers for anything they have done to me (or not done for me) over the last 10 years.... Eg. Grammy's Grr Anny's or Grr ar my (Holy) Angels... That's an idea, but I'm not going to willingly agree to this, so I will probably only go there by force! If this happens perhaps someone else can do the talking for my higher-self and I'll just put their sash on them... and act like everything is fine (but I won't go near Rita Ora)


A 7 year convent needs to be made where they will be known under there Positive names for 3.5 years and then known by only there negative names for 3.5 years! Males titles will come a bit later on!














All the Angels represent two things... Like how God and the Devil are the two side of the same person the angels represent two things too... One is there positive name, the other is or can be there negative name the list is on the list page found at the top chart on this page is too long now!




I would love to meet Britney but I'm not sure if Britney wants to meet me as I don't think she sane any longer. I can't tell if if its an act or not same with Kaney west. She might not want to receive a title "Christ if destroyed by fame, money and man!) and I won't want to call her my representation for the sake of getting people to insult me as it should be obvious that she's not like me, and I dont want people to think I'm lying about things.


The singer I most want to meet is mya. I think she was my sister when i was younger (or half sister). I think she was two years younger than me and seeing her keeps giving me visions of my past life... I believe we were very close but its sad at how she likely won't remember anything as I think shes had many other life's between now and then...


The angel I most want to be is Fergie .... As for her, this song talks about the Grammy's and after... I think I should not reveal her title name at this stage as She is the Angel of confidence, which is something I most want to have yet don't because I fear that this world might be too sick to fix... But at this state I am happy to mislead people into thinking and like glammour and wealth more then the confidence and happiness that wealth and looking good can give me.  For this reason her name should stick to 'The Angel I most want to be!"... When really that is not actually a name, it's just how I feel (or want to feel!)








Stage 9: Give rise to the Male singers by giving them insulting names on a sash and giving all the glory to the females only, making guys all over the world angry at me and Jealous at the thought that I think God favors females... This thought will anger guys and making them think that I'm sexiest (like the whole world was for thousands of years)... That's Gods Justice for Males in the past who always put themselves above females. God needs to put females above males for a time to correct the old beliefs! Males who see me give glory to only the females, whist insulting the males will be more encouraged to hate me, but that does not change the fact that I am God and they are NOT! so I can think and say what I want!  


Niki is 'The God of the Sinners' (People who reject God)....

Meghan is 'the Angel of womenhood' she says















I will only want to crown and sash the Males with crappy names... After 6 month to a year. I will announce there actual Angel names: If they don't want to be crowned crappy names, I can always sash a cardboard picture of them!



Real Names vs Fake temporary names found on the list page mentioned on the top chart bar


I have a feeling too the the English Royal family should help denounce me as I've noticed funny things with there names:

Charles - When I was born there was a boy born just after me in the same room who I called Charles (real name Charley) we looked like twins for years. Anne is his sister - Im Anna like Anne

Charels rejected Dianna - which could be God predicting that he will reject me, Anna, too (the mother of the worlds kids)... For Camila the name looks like Camilia Cabello who is my Angel of Secrets.... UMMM Is this GOd saying that we are in the time of Secrets now!!!!  

William Is the next inline to throne - Williams is the surname of the guy I believe is Darla 1st grand child who's now called Robby Williams meaning he too would be next inline to throne if Martin were a King...

William married Kate Middleton - Kate looks a bit like Katie Perry who is my deceiver.... UMMM are they going to be set to do some deceiving towards the middle class!!!

I like Harry the most and Megan (My guns) but Harry only links to the name Harry Potter or Harry the hamster I had but gave back to shop for many reasons... likewise Harries no longer in the royal family, moved to America ... UMMM! Also the new Angel that I just discorded after writing this is call Meghan too... My Angel of Womanhood! I'm on her side... Maybe this is saying that the royal Family must reject me for a while (as they will stay faithful to faith), but Harry and Megan can be on my side! The side of truth via evidence!

Charles Brother is called Andrew and hes most well known for a sex scandal with a girl who looks like my cousin Melinda when she was younger. I want to get attention this way too, as the victim... (As long as its fake!) Andrew sounds like Anne draw! Anne like Anna! If he (or any of them, wanted to claim that they bought me lots of drinks and slept with me, I would just find the whole thing soo funny! I mean is't Royalty finding you attractive you a good thing, unless they reject you the next day, (or if they are way too old, Charles is too old for me!) It might not be legal to sleep with a 17 years old but 17 years old's are not a kids! He should get a slap on the wrist not a life time worth of shaming in my view! How the public responded to this is crazy considering what Kings and Princes use to get a away with in the past! I mean they use to chop peoples heads of whilst crowds cheered! I would be curious to know how they would respond if they thought he got with me after I had a bottle of wine!

....Not sure if all this above means anything, but I don't think the Royal Family are meant to look like they support me at first...





To piss off the people in the countries, I could just tell them what GOd

(me), thinks of them!...

- lol! It's nothing personal, it's only designed to piss people off! 








America, Am Eric ... Like from the little mermaid... He refused to kiss the girl he was look always looking for, even though she saved his life... He rejected her for 3 days because he was looking for someone with a tail and did not recognize her without a tail... do bear in mind that a kiss would have been something soo easy to give, and this girl was about to died if she could not receive it from him, she failed because he got into a bad marriage with a sea witch so clearly Eric was an arrogant prick... That or he's gay or only like evil women! )                                                                                                                


                                                                   or America could say 'Am Erica!'... Is Aaliyah singing about me... or America! 

















Austraila - A US trail

Canada: C anna der! (like der brain)

Sweden: Wee den, weed den

Finland: your on thin land (like thin ice, ready to crack)

Israel: Is real… (a real women)

Italy: I tally along,

Norway: Does God like Norway... no way!

Belgium: Be glum

Estonia: is Stonia like stones

Armenia: are mania 

Spain: pain

Moldova: Moldy

Poland: po land

Switzerland: twitzerland

Portugal: po r seagull (Seagulls steel babies off mother birds) and My sisters baby's father from Portugal and the social

workers want to take the baby away (I've likened them to seagulls too!)

United Kingdom: U nited King dum!

England: end land

Scotland: shoot land

Germany: many germs there 

German: Gurms r men 




The Plan could be that I can 'Marry' the TV during whilst unknowingly giving all the power to 'my Kings' for if people hate me, they will turn away from me and turn to the people they think I hate!... Its called reverse physiology! They then will just massively promote themselves and all the Angels they like and people will very likely be far more interested in their songs then in finding out about me or what I'm actually like. Then I must hide for a very long time whilst the Angels and kings set out to counter the world... 



Mia Rodriguez - Angel of hidden

                                                                        treasures (or nightmares!)















Many People will also likely just give more power to 'Jez us' and 'his God' or the God of the angels who is me, but who is not me because they won't actually be that interested in me as a living human God who can't give them an instant paradise...


Then I will let the War between: 'me' and Jesus, God the mother vs God the father, then God the mother vs me who is alive on Earth and human. I will let all that play out until people either go mad or start begging to know why I'm avoiding everyone!






Stage 10: After 6 months the guys will reveal the real 'Positive only' male angel names! ...At the Moon Man awards!! Which I might not even attend as they might rather give the glory to my IBF (Imagery Boy Friend) or imagery 'He' God... If that's the plan then I don't need to attend because its not got anything to do with me!


I am not certain what I will do but I want to make it look like I am hiding in a nice Mansion in a secret location (with expensive bomshelter) for my own safety reasons. I want to make it look like I'm rich and happy but doing nothing at the same time (like what Britney is doing but without looking crazy). EG I don't wan to work with any of the singers! (unless I don't feel that they have hurt me) ...but I might be happy to work with those who have hurt me only after they have be re-named with the negative only names! I would though only be doing that mostly to show how they are NOT actually like me!


In reality I would like to do things... Visit places without being haselled by the press or recognized as Christ. I would love to have guys bring be nice food (for free) you can call it a date without sex or any expectations... and I love doing molding shoots but I don't want the pictures to be seen by the General public because I now hate them all waaay toooo much! I want to do things for myself and for the people of the year 3000, not for people who are alive right now, but I would like to do a Paris Hilton styled documented of my new life (If I am still alive) and I guess that could be for those who want to help found the project, but I want the public to believe that I'm not doing anything when the truth is that I am doing things, I just don't want to do anything for them because they did nothing for me and would not have done things for me, or believed me, if I (as a human) would have approached them with the truth about how I was Christ not Jesus! Also If I do just die at this stage, I would be very happy because I don't actually want to live here after what I've just gone through, the world ignoring me for 10 years to me, only shows me how little you actually like me (or how much you would like me to suffer) and so I will have to do a lot of lying to myself if I don't die.



This song shows 'EVE' introducing Gwen who is God's funner side... But really she is the God the Tormentor... like she says in this song, she takes her time before exposing information about the male singers (maybe) to the World! The first step is to get people to love the female Angels... Then the Male angels!!! This song could be referring to the rise of the Male angels names that could be exposed one year later!... I'm not too sure honestly! It could be about reveling the negative names after a year... Time will tell whats best I think... 

I need to make it clear though that I don't want Christianity to die over night....


I have suffered greatly over the last 10 years and the main reason why is because I was seeing what the singers were doing and I was convinced that they were doing that to help me. Every day I thought my wait would only be a few days weeks or months... so instead of trying to live my life and be happy, I put my life on hold and was just waiting night and day only to get nothing from them. No money, No support, no Help... I got NOTHING! Now I have lost my will to live because I hate you all soooo much...


I want to punsh the world for rejecting me, but that best way to punish people is to do nothing and let them punish themselves with there desire to worship lies based on nothing ... If people reject me as the real Christ and stick to there faith in Jesus... good!!!.... let them do that as Jesus Christ is not a real person and so can NOT help them in anyway. He can give hope to people when there is no hope, but it will only ever be false Hope for he is NOT the real Christ. Anna is Christ and the singers are God's real Holy angels, but things are not quite as glamours as the preachers would have you believe! If people dismiss them as Evil Devil worshipers, fine, but God is the Devil! But to say that Anna too can't passably be God too... well that's why the Devil is soo important as Rejecting Anna is rejecting God so God then is happy to turn into the Devil!...


If you push away me you will push away the only truth about God and will lead people into having only false hope!

I want to make a 7 years covenant with the Angels and with the 'men of faith' where they can rule the Earth... The Angels should promote themselves and 'the men of Faith' should stay loyal to their people and believe what they want to believe.... For example the Song below is about sticking to Jesus... If that's what your people want you to say... Then keep saying it!!! After 3.5 years... Im hoping the Faith in Jesus would have gone by then but if anyone is still lieing about being on Jesus' side, perhaps just give up lying now... I think the Holy Angel names should be exposed at this point!


Jesus Christ is code for Jez u's Christ.... Anna is the only real name of Christ.... Lifting up the name 'Jesus Christ' is lifting me up because I am Christ but thinking that Christ is a male with magical powers, who loves you, will only lead people into depression suicide and death for that person is not real and never has been. You can hold on to the lie for as long as you want but you will do nothing but fall as there is no truth in him... AS for me I do not care if you fall as I am the one who made you and people have done nothing but ignore me or make me feel like shit for 10 years by not helping me.... Even now I still have no idea why you are ignoring me, how long you plan to do this for and why I can't get any one I talk to me or care about what it is that I'm going through... My wish now is for you to feel the same way I do.... I am God and I want to make you feel like shit so keep holding on to Jesus Christ...

.....One day he might help you!!! Just like people helped me!!!




Stage 11: After 3.5 years I will Expose the Female and male Angels negative names, and make it clear that most of the songs written about me between summer 2013-2017, were most only written to insult me and that's how it felt! Like you all thought that since the songs were not about you, they were about Christ, it therefore it didn't mater what you said for you were only insulting me not you or you were trying to prove that I'm not Christ!!


These songs they wrote about me, were done when I was suffering night and day, alone and living as a masseuse in a small studio flat with nothing for years... I had Christians laughing at me if I tried to ask them for help or support whilst they were telling there thousands of followers how much they loved and longed for me, and how they knew all about me when really they knew nothing about me and were only spreading hate, lies and insulting me (the Goddess Babylon..) I had thousands of millionaires just make money off my real suffering, they were doing all the things that I wanted to do and yet they did that all with a smile on there face whilst mocking and insulting me in music videos, not telling me what they were doing, why they were doing it and not giving me one tiny bit of credit payment or confirmation that they even knew anything about me.... This made me feel like I had gone completely mad as how could thousands of people be writing songs about me whilst ignoring me and ignoring the fact that all the people I met in my life, only really wanted me to give them a hand job whilst I lived in a tiney room, freaking out over how I was linking to all the youtube videos that I was watching... I was getting angrier and angrier over what people were saying about me behind my back whilst telling me that I was 'demon possessed or crazy' when I tried to tell them the truth about these videos that they were making about me. All that whist getting paroniod (and feeling parallelized) over what the celebs could be saying or thinking about me behind the screen!


My family members are mad but kept saying that I was the mad one. No one I told in person believed me or carer to find out if I was right and if millions of rich people (who live in big mansions) were really doing things in secret about me. Every day I felt like I was living in a computer and inspiring everything with my daily thoughts, my soul, spirit and bad experiences only the people living in the computer were too selfish and evil to give a shit about it's programmer!


I wished to die every day yet these people never once tried to tell her that she had a 10 year wait before one person would contact her about who she is! For 10 years she thought you would help her any day, week or month.... BUT NONE OF YOU DID.... NOT ONCE!!!..... WWWWWHHHYYYYY!!!


WHY did you ignore me for 10 years... I don't understand this and NEVER will


If what happens in Noahs day happens again... Good... Finally!!!.... GREAT! Dieing just what I thought would happen to me every single day as I never understood what you were doing this whole time but I was concerned that if I died when I was not meant too maybe you too would all die too!


I hate ALLLL humans but you can't all die for how can my higher self makes films and entertain herself if you all die! ...and I do love the songs, just not when I'm living a shit life and suffering... I was happier from summer 2017 (after I moved into my house in Birmingham and tried to forget that I was God) but I would have moved there sooner if I was not waiting night and day for you to talk to me... Every song between 2013-2017 it felt like you were writing these songs to help me on my day of ascension, as I did see good things in even in the most insulting songs, but it was very hurtful to slowly release that helping me was not actually your intention... as why would you not have tried to warn me that nothing was going to happen over the next 10 years other than just you making money off me whilst ignoring me and tricking me into thinking that you were trying to help me!!


This is what God really wants.... To make everyone feel like shit for what you all did to GOd!

None of you were out to help Anna... I'm not as angry with songs made after 2017 as I had given up on you by that point! I think that was when I just hated you all soo much that I was glad that none of you were in my life.... I just hope it stays that way... (but I like the newer singers more now! I don't relate them to pain, rejection and pure hatred so I can like them more!)

















I want all the real dates of the songs to be reveled. To write a song about something that I have found out or something that I was living through (immense suffering) only to have you turn it in to a song for public entertainment and then change the dates to make it seem like you had this information before I did, or to make yourself look like you weren't just writing songs about my suffering and that you won't just hurting me when you were doing this, this is highly offensive to me and to everything that I have gone through... People deserve to know the true dates of when songs were written and at what point during my sacrifice you made them at!


Stop taking my ladder away from me and pretending that you are the time traveling God! I do not support lies unless necessary. Messing with dates only adds confusion and distrust! If you want God on your side I need to trust you, I can't trust you when you are lying about dates and about who knew what and at what point (PS: Gwen, Rita and a few others, the voice in my head told me to Igor your songs so I don't really feel pain from them as I did not listen to them back then, Gaga is important and Katie, I hate you, but also know how important you are too, but we r NOT friends!)





















Over population is the biggest threat to this world and its the main reason why the quality of human souls here are as bad as it is... Every body needs to be filled with a soul, but there are too many people here!) Ps. God can forgive murder because too many people is killing the planet and we do what we must to survive, that's just how things are here, but I cannot forgive anyone for what I have had to faced over the past 10 years... I don't believe it had to be this extreme for if population reduction was all that is necessary, why did you have to ignore and bully me through the songs and films for 10 years... How was that necessary! I will never understand why you choose to ignore me for 10 years... That makes no sense to me!





















Now was your loyalty to the 'He' God or the 'she' God... What do you think you should do now!...

This is your judgment day! What day is up to you...!





















When it comes to the people who can't believe me, I want to know why it is that people can't believe that I might be Earths one and only God in human form. I want to know how people feel about me, and get there views recorded on camera and I specifically want to know what Christians who see me as the Anti-Christ want see have happen to me for insulting the Bible and their God.



I don't know timings, only the people who are persecuting me by writing songs about me (for the past 10 years) whilst ignoring me, only they know the day and hour that they are to come to me. I don't know what will happen to me when they come for me, but I might have to 'reenact Christ's sacrifice' when they do because I am NOT really the Anti Christ, I AM the Real CHRIST, and I must suffer for the world to be tested even if it's to reenact what Jesus did, so long as its not real as realistically no good would come of Christ beaten like that, unless its to shame the people who voted for me to go through that (or similar). Either way I don't care as long as I'm NOT Physically hurt.





Then the BB show can be aired the show to all of these four locations... In a big way! but it might need to be small at first I don't know... You decide! Just put me on something so I can say hi to my people.... then shout at them after for being soo stupid and talking about God and Christ without actually knowing anything about HER!


Madonna represents God! She should have the final song on this plan!

Pharrell is the Angel of Happiness... Hopefully he will actually be happy one day... If things can change!

Anna means Me in Arabic!














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