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Bible Stories: The Other Telling

There are two sides to every story. The Bible was written by men in a male dominated society and it was written for a male dominate society, but we, at this site believe that God is a female and that she has inspired the stories in the Bible to not prophesy a future male Christ but rather to predict the coming of a female Christ.


We do not take the Bible literally nor do we see the Bible stories as being true events that have actually happen but rather we see the Bible stories as being fairy tales that have hidden prophecies and hidden messages within.


The Bible says that at the end of the age Christ will come with a new gospel… This is what we believe that the new telling of the Bible is. We believe that it’s a backwards telling where the heroes of the bible are actually the false prophets who lie about their connection and communication with God and the true message of Christ lie within the victims who are, in most of the Bible story’s, the victims of the Bible. Its our belief that the victims have been portaged as bad people who are in need of punishment when in reality they are just the innocent victims of an evil and just God! We believe these story's have been inspired by a true female Christ who is prophisied to come and destroy the evil God who everyone worship. With the fall of this God all the major world religions will fall and a new age under the mother Goddess will start. 


We on this site believe in God the Mother and Part of our proof comes from the Bible. On this page is a list many the female Characters mentioned in the Bible and I say what there story could be prophesying. We have done this because people believe that Jesus is Christ main because they believe that he fulfils the prophecies in the Bible but in our opinion he could not of fulled the prophecies of the Bible because most stories are about the suffering and rise of a woman and Jesus being a man can not experience the suffering of a woman for most women suffer because of rape or suffer because men looked down on them simply because of the sex that they were born as. Jesus was not a female so he could not suffer the way that they did.


To make our version more interesting we have modelled the same person in all the images to show how so many stories can be inspired by the same person.

Prophecies About The Mother & The Father
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Brief Summery

In short we believe that most of the characters of the Bible make prophecy about two people. One is male and the Father of the human kind. One is female and the Mother of the human kind. We believe they were the first two humans on Earth but at the begging they were not both human for Eve was God in human form, born from semi evolved Monkeys but she was the first to carry the DNA that had the power to transform her children into the humans that we see today. Adam was just a vesil who was the father. After getting her pregnant he died and was reborn in her stomach explaining why the Father and Son are the same person. These two people are God template for how males and females should be. 


All people through blood can sence these two people and can connect to them. This is shown in any story for subconsciously people are inspired by the life's that these two people lead. This is how prophecies can be made thousands of years before they happen, for Christ suffering is something that is already planned out and people can subconsciously feel what both the father and Mother will go through. The mother will be rejected, hence why people in the past do not like woman to take the lead or be seen in many countries.  She is the sacrifice and will not be able to get a job, she will be fourced into liking only one person but that person will hurt her, push her away and treat her badly. The male will have everything that she does not have. But this will make him not a very nice person.


You can tell what will happen to the characters by looking at what the male a female charters in the Bible go through. The people however choose to support the Father over the Mother and by choosing the soul that is not the nicer template, they like him, become like him. The Father is young in comparison to God, so he will have many lifes and as time passes he will become a nicer person. Likewise as he grows and develops so will the people on Earth.  Eventually the Mother will come back. She is the light that people aim to follow so most of the Bible stories will pick up on her influence and her feelings towards the father tat she will both love and hate at the same time.

The Rejected Christ

The story of the rejected Christ is a story of a Christ figure who believes that they are the Christ and then chooses to tell people who they are but this person only finds that no one believes them or supports their belief and so are forced into suffering but after a time of suffering they will ascend to the throne and they will prove, once and for all who the real Christ really is. All who denied and criticised them are prophisied to be put to shame. You will know Christ has come when all who reject her have been proved hat they are wrong and when he or she is proven wright till then you are told to not have any idols.


Jesus did not assented to the throne nor bid he revive any glory during his lifetime hence he can not be a real Christ. People believe he’s done this in heaven but there's not evidence or proof of anything… and the prophecy is that he or she will reign and rule on Earth after a time of rejection. It is completely impossible for a dead man to magically come out of the sky, and so the only way someone can fufill the prophecy is if the Christ is born on Earth, goes through an awakening of who they really are and then gets rejected by all people for a time but then after that time of suffering this person will ascend and rise as the messiah of Earth and they will bringing truth to the world. Jesus did not fulfil this prophecy because (if the story about him is true) he was killed a very long time ago because of his blasphemy. I do not believe that a guy with these powers did ever exist but I believe that the myth was inspired by the Mother Goddess to prophecy a story about what will happen to her at her coming. Once a body has died and rotted away (or mostly vanished in Jesus case) it is impossible to come back from that but if this story is about a future event, proving that person is expected and crowned before they die only then can the prophecy be fulfilled.



Christ is believed to be the reject Christ and people all over the world have accepted Jesus as their Lord and saviour which would mean that Jesus can not be the rejected Christ because Jesus it not rejected by millions of people. If God was a woman however, this title will make so much more sense for people all over the world have rejected God the mother and the few people who do believe in her would deny that this people is a real thinking living soul with the ability to make her own decisions. Almost all people would think is impossible for this person to come down to Earth as a human child who lives a life like a normal human would. This is the story of Jesus only this woman will not a have super powers and because she will not have super powers and because the world is waiting for a male messiah when she see’s all the evidence that proves that she a the messiah no matter how much evidence she finds, very few people will have no ability to believe or care about her ascension for all will think nothing of it as the world will worship only the father a not the mother.


If Jesus came to Earth and if he had the power that he had according to the Bible, people will accept him for most people have been waiting for the arrival of a male Christ. Even if he had no power, so long as he had some amount of proof, he would very likely gaver many followers because many do and want to believe in Jesus… but if this Christ was a woman it would be so hard to gain acceptance for most religious people as very sexit and would sniger at the posablity that Christ could be a woman.


True many people have rejected Jesus but since they have not met him, it can not bee seen as a real rejection but rather a rejection due to lack of evidence. If Jesus did come to Earth having the same power as before then convincing people that he is Christ would be easy hence people would not rejected him so he would not be the rejected Christ. To reject someone when there's is no proof that they are a real person is not likely to cause this person any grief but the prophecy is that this person will go through years of reaction and if someone really could walk on water no one can reject something like that hence he would not be the rejected Christ . To reject someone you have never met when this same person as millions of over supports is also not like to cause this person to suffer for Jesus has more fans than most celebrities… If a celebrity has a million fans how can that person really suffer if they are surrounded by a million supporters who worship there every word!. When it come to God the mother, she has very few supports. She is alone Jesus would not be. If also the whole book is full of evidence that christ is a women then you can see how she would feel bad for its evidence that everyone who reads the Bible pays no attention to the large amount of suffering that the woman go through. These women really are the more innocent people of the Bible who suffer at the hands of evil men who are described as being ‘men of God’ but their actions prove otherwise. The list of the good actions are described throughout this book.


According to the Bible Eve is the Mother of all people, the Bible also says that you were saved through the blood of Christ. As humans have got smarter we have learned about evolution and they have seen the skulls of semi evolved monkeys so they know that we were not molded together like clay by God. We know that 90% of the human body similar to that of a monkey, it is our belive however that there is truth behind the Bible but in the same way that many mothers will refuse to tell their young children the truth about how babies are born, the Mother Goddess likewise has inspired a book that contains lies about how humans were created.  It is our belive that Eve was born from a semi evolved monkey many thousands of years ago only there was a change in her D&A… There is something in the human D&A that is very different too all animals and we believe that this change is the change that started with Christ and it has saved us because it’s given us a link with God. This Change in the D&A was passed on to Eve’s one and only Son who was born after Eve was rapped by a monkey. He Son is the link that took eve’s Blood and passed it onto all of his children.  Through her blood, Monkeys evolved into humans, like the Bible says, her blood is the blood of life…


You might argue that Adam could be the Christ for we all have his blood inside us two, but in the bible it is Eve who eats the apple first and it’s adam who only takes the knowledge because eve told him too. Out of the two sexes male make better hunters, better killers, they are te sex most likely to start war and they are far more likely to rape than a woman…


There instinct is a far closer match to that of a monkey so if there is a Christ, A God of love and emotion, it’s far more likely to be on a female side, for they are the less animistic sex. If they get this passiveness from there mother, Eve, who is God and if Males get a lot of their instinct through Adam who is just a semi- evolved monkey this could explain the difference in the sexes… The Bible also says that Satan was in ‘the garden of eden’ and Satan definitely is a male character. Jesus also describes Satan as being the father of lies so if Satan is Adam and if Adam is bother the Father of human and the Son of Eve then if would make sense. For you were saved through the Blood of Christ and Satan blood is most descried as being ‘bad blood’ so if Satan was a monkey (the father) and if Eve was the Christ (and Mother) is would explain the belief better.



We believe that God (Eve) hates Satan ( The Father and Son) is that a monkey raped her then died shortly after and was re-born in her stomach. This, we believe, is the inspiration behind the Isis story. True there is little proof of this claim but it’s irrelevant on the large scheme of things but if the male instinck comes from the root of Satan this could explain why so many rapes happen, because this is what Satan did to God, but Satan needed to do this to God but God (even in a primitive body would of not wanted to sleep with a monkey at the age of 12.) There is scripture that points to marry being very young, but if Mary was in fact Eve, her hygiene and health would have been very poor for there would not have been anything around that would of provided and nice safe home so the death expectancy would of been very young and no human child would willing sleep with a semi-evolved money so rape would have been the only way. This we believe, is another reason why the Bible does not mention this story about eve in the Bible for how many mothers tell their children at a young age that they only reason why they are alive is because there farther (Satan) rapped them.


There are many other female Characters is the Bible who like Haga, were also rapped. This I believe is evidence that this is what happen to God the Mother… For the Bible is about prophecy and Christ. But people 2000 years ago were not capable of believing that God was a female. They were not capable of accepting that God could be rapped by Satan. And they were not able to contemplate the possibility that humans came from Monkey. All these things would have degrade Both God a Man. To even suggest that any of the above things were true would have in the past been enough reason to execute someone over. People wanted to believe that God can do everything. That God is a male leader who aloud rape to happen because a man will and they wanted a man needs to always comes first. This is not the truth for reincarnation is the truth hence men and woman are equal, but by holding back the truth it allows punishment to continue to its maximum for men will use there ego to cause war and and suffering on others and any soul born into a woman's body will likely be a casualty for they will have there rights striped away from them if born in a sexist country. This is a reflection  of what they world does to God. They will believe that they will not get punished for this crime but in reality all that would happen is when they died they will come back as woman and most likely find themselves a victim of sexism. Only after living a life of being a victim can they truly understand the difference between right and wrong. But however  female hormones are designed to be more tolerant and passive for Christ the Mother will go through far more suffering than the Farther. This passive Nature might prevent women from seeing sexism for what it is. This will lead them into excepting there fate rather then trying to change it. It's a slow and painful lesson but only when a soul grow smarter can learn the difference between right and wrong, Only then can there should evolved into a better period on the timeline or place on the map.



We believe that eve was the first person to be born with a skin alteration making her have human skin and not monkey like fur but the only thing that backs up the claim is that Lucifer sounds a bit like Lose ur fur… If the Mother had human like skin and if the son was half like Eve half like a Monkey it indicates that he would have been much hairier than his mother. If the son was a lot more hairier than the mother this also could explain why men are far more hairy than women because Eve was the first to be born with a skin condition that would prevent hair growth in most areas of the body but Adam was made from Eve so is slightly more hairy like how his father, the monkey would have been.  


Eve is believed to be bringer of knowledge. She bring this knowledge because she defies ‘God’, but in our view, knowledge is the most important thing in the world, knowledge and Love. Anyone who would want to hold back knowledge is not a person that you should follow so in this story we have an evil God who does not wish to help man but rather this god is selfish and wants to hold back knowledge so that the people can not gain wisdom. Without wisdom they can not evolve and be smart. Without us being smart we become mindless slaves to an oppressive God. So if our telling of the Bible we have a story about an evil opposite God, but Eve saves the day by freeing us, but with the good comes the bad. There is no such thing as instant knowledge, wisdom can not grow on trees. Knowledge of good and bad, right and wrong can only occur when a large about of suffering has happened, for we can only really learn from our mistakes or from the mistakes others make. Eve did do a good thing for she opened up a door that no none but christ can oppen. Wants people have the change in the there D&A they became smarter but the choice of wrong and wright was in the hands of the people and many people would turn to their lust greed and anger rather than to the side of sharing, love and personal improvements..


Mary is described as the Virgin Mother ‘the only begotten son of God’ we do not believe that Jesus is the only son of God we feel that this story was only written to point to a hidden truth that only the wise would expect which is that this Bible story written to point to hidden knowledge about who God really is. If Jesus is the only blood Son of God and if Mary was a virgin then it can only be saying the Mary is God because she is the only blood parent of Jesus.


In our telling Mary is another Name for Eve. Eve was not a virgin but the Bible predicts the return of Christ. She will not come out of the sky for that is impossible unless she like to skydive but rather she will be born as a human by regular parents and only when she gets older will she awake to the knowledge that she is christ. When she does wake up, she will be a virgin for the Bible is all about prophecy and Mary is the most famous female character in the Bible and the thing that she is most famous for is being a virgin. It is our belief that she is Eve and that her blood runs though everyone vines and although man have rejected God (they have rejected Eve) it is our blood that connect to her. When she suffers we suffer, when we are sad although you will have many happy days deep down there will always be a sence that something is wrong with this world. Likewise when people reject Eve as their mother they will continue to live in sin, and they will continue to see other humans as being something different and separate from themselves. Although accepting Eve as your ‘mother and savior’ is not going to fix all the world's problems overnight, but it will have a massive effect to the poorest countries in the world, for every scene they speak seems to praise God in some way but none can see that God does not have the power that they think God has.


People use the name of God to say and do terrible things, but if they can accept that Eve is God, only then can this false God that they worshipped be destroyed. If they stopped worshipping the God of war and terror... murder and war will be far less common for through Mary (Eve) you are all Brothers and Sitters. Only Eve (Mary) can bring this unity. If Christ was Adam or any other male, they would think in the same way that the catholic church would think, which is to believe that popes and leaders can only be male because God is a Male and only Males can be a representative for God… they do this only because they have reject God and there teaching (along with all other religions teaching is wrong) God is a female… Only a Female (or a feminine Male can represent God) but because they all only follow after Satan, they all have rejected God by refusing to have female lead there church. Lucifer want to rule over God and the people are copy his ways and are trying to rule over woman… but but rejecting the mother, you make her (the future Christ to come) you make her suffer but because her veins run through all people when she suffers so does the world even though most people can always feel it.





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